Friday, November 29, 2019
Gender Roles In Star Trek Next Generation Essays - Deanna Troi
Gender Roles In Star Trek Next Generation Gender Roles In Star Trek Next Generation In 1966 a series called Star Trek was created. It's creator, Gene Roddenberry, did not create the show to be a science fiction series. The series was much deeper than that. It wasn't just about discovering new planets and civilizations. It was about controversial issues. Even though the series' take place in the 23rd and 24th century the issues struck with the times and related current issues. Through each series, The Original, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager, there has been progression with the times and the issues. The issues that surround the episodes of Star Trek include race, religion, sexuality, the depiction of science and gender roles. The central focus being talked about in this paper will be gender roles. Gender roles in Star Trek deal with leadership and sexuality. Men and women have had different roles in Star Trek as well as different progressions. Men in Star Trek have always had a leadership role. In the original series the four main characters are men. The captain, Kirk, the second in command, Spock, the doctor, Bones or McCoy, and the head engineering officer Scotty are all men. In the Next Generation series there is Captain Picard, the second in command, Riker, and there are others engineering roles played by Warf and Data who are all men. In the Deep Space Nine series Captain Sisko and the head engineer is male. In Voyager the second in command, Chakotay, as well as Tuvok, a Vulcan Spock like character, and Neelix, the cook are all men. Women in Star Trek have made a real progression, at least more then Men have. When men are already at the top having leadership roles there's no place to go but down. This isn't necessarily there work performance or merit is going down but the women's performance, merit and acceptance going up. The women of Star Trek started at the bottom and could only go up. The original series did have one woman in a starring role. Uhura was the head communication officer, however her role was really more of a secretary and didn't really have many lines and if she did they weren't very lengthy, nothing much more than, Yes captain. In the Next Generation series the women started to move farther up the leadership ladder. The women starring roles were Beverly Crusher, the doctor, and Diana Troy, the counselor. In Deep Space Nine, the second in command was female, Kira Nerys. The Voyager series was a big step for women in Star Trek. There was the captain, Janeway, Kes and Seven of Nine. This series brought women into leadership roles. The progression of women in Star Trek has been appropriately timed and has even pushed a little bit past the time. Even though Uhura basically played the role of a secretary her role still pushed the envelope for the time because of her race. She was a black actress du ring or right after the civil rights movement. She even thought of quitting the role because she felt that she wasn't used enough for her role in the series. However, after Martin Luther King, Jr. talked to her and told her how important it would be for her to stay on the show, she did. Women in Star Trek have progressed from a secretary type, to a doctor and counselor, to the second in command and eventually the first in command or the captain. Their progress allows them to be more influential. Let's talk more specifically about the Next Generation series. The Original series showed the four starring male roles to provide everything for the crew. This is not the case in Next Generation. Next Generation is more like a family with a father, a mother and children. But who were the biggest members of the family? There are four characters, which give the presence of a family on Next Generation. First, you have the father. This is actually quite simple. You have Captain Picard who plays the father. He is much older than any of the other crew seen on the series and therefore has seniority as well as he is the
Monday, November 25, 2019
Social Networking
Social Networking Introduction In their quest to integrate with others, people develop various behaviors besides doing different things through which they create and maintain relationships and social networking being one of these. Social networking is the collection of people into various groups who have common interests and sometimes similar likes and dislikes.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Social Networking specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It can also be defined as the creation of groups of people who want to share information and help each other in building relationships as it occurs in local villages and communities. It should be noted that, though social networking is possible and can easily be done in schools, villages and workplaces, it is rampant on the internet. This is the case because unlike in the villages and schools where people might not want to share their information or personal views with one another, the internet has millions and probably billions of people who are ready to share information (Niciejewska 17). This is also boosted by the fact that internet covers a relatively wide area and people want to get firsthand information from all parts of the world and therefore, find it more interesting to network online. However, though social networking has various advantages like enabling easy and first flow of information, it also has far reaching consequences including consuming time which could have been used for other productive activities. Advantages of Social Networking Social networking is a common feature in the world nowadays and it is practically impossible for any person to say that the world can do without networking at any level. It is practiced from professional aspects to personal lives and by the old, the middle aged and the young generation a like. It has become more a way of life than it is a technological aspect of how people spend their leisure time which was the init ial intention. To begin with, social networking has decreased the costs of get in touch with people because the social networking sites that people use are mostly free. People seated in the comfort of their private rooms can easily communicate with different people in different continents within a minute at a cost that could have been used to communicate with one person. On top of that, business people can easily learn the likes and dislikes as well as other behaviors of their target markets thus carrying a research at no cost and this enables them in designing their products according to the consumers’ need. In addition to that, people can easily advertise their goods and services on the social networking media for a negligible cost when they are networking (Rosenbloom 431).Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, social networking helps in building confidence of people to one another. This is highly advantageous to business people who will want to create a good rapport with their customers so that they can maintain them for future purposes. Customers feel more confident if they interact with the business people both on professional and personal grounds and this makes them feel at easy. It should also be noted that it is easy to get correct and objective information from the customers whom one interacts with both on professional and personal grounds than those with whom one interacts with on business reasons only (Smith and ze 338). On top of that, social networking has really improved the way people can offer after sale service since even if people are very far apart communication is easy and one can easily find his or her customers. Moreover; social networking sites like facebook, twitter and others have increased the connections among people nowadays which have been advantageous in the long run. Many of the connect ions that started in the social networking sites have ended in face to face meetings and made longtime friends who help each other in many aspects of live. In addition to that, social networking has increased the flow of knowledge from one person to another. Scientists, sociologists and people from other professions have been able to get information through the social networking sites therefore, increasing their knowledge base besides communicating their theories (Raje 76). This would have been impossible in other circumstances and some theories developed would have ended up being isolated and irrelevant. In conjunction with that, social networking has also changed the way education is conducted and improved the interactions between teachers and students. Students have joined several social networking sites and teachers have embraced this technology therefore, making learning process more accommodating. Extended classroom discussions, assignments, test and quizzes are found online n owadays and they can be accessed all day round making learning an interesting activity. On top of that, relationships between parents and teachers have been boosted by social networking sites whereby teachers and parents can communicate without having to meet face to face (Niciejewska 18). This not only saves time but also increases the chances of interaction between teachers and parents who most of the times are far apart. On top of that, social networking has been used by various organizations to seek for support from the masses. It can be noted that nowadays, various political parts have successfully used social networking in their campaigns because it is cheap and reaches a huge number of people at the same time.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Social Networking specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Furthermore, social networking has been used by various groups to connect people seeking for employment with t he available employment opportunities, thus increasing the employment rates in the community (Mason and Frank 7). This is common among college students who have even come up with their social networking site where the alumni give information to final year students about the employment opportunities that are available at the given time. Disadvantages Despite the immense importance of social networking in the lives of people nowadays, it has brought about some very dire consequences which have not only cost people money but have also led to loss of lives. Social networking sites like facebook and twitter require that people provide their information concerning their age, gender, location and other important information. This information most of the times reach people who are not known to the provider of information. Others use the information on social networking sites without the consent of the concerned people for their benefits (Harwood 64). In addition to that, it has been reporte d that criminals use social networking site to get information about their targets which has increased crime rates. Additionally, social networking sites have become addictive and people spend a lot of their time either chatting in the social networking sites or trying to get new friends. This leads to various behavioral changes in a person and end up making people antisocial on personal grounds because they are consumed by the networking sites all the time and do not have time to socialize with their immediate neighbors. On top of that, the time spent on social networking sites by people has been increasing exponentially since the discovery of the sites (DasGupta 159). This means that people have reduced the time spent on other issues to concentrate on social networking. Among the most affected time is the time people spend on work and this has led to loss of a lot of productive time thus, reducing efficiency in working places. This has made some organizations to prohibit their emp loyees from visiting social networking sites during working hours. When people are networking online, it is difficult to authenticate the information that they provide. Consequently, people have used this weakness of the internet to their advantage by giving false information about themselves to unsuspecting people in the social networking sites. On top of that, children are also at risk of being misused especially by sex predators because they can easily access the children’s information from online sites and lure them into meeting face to face. In conjunction with that, the social networking sites make people to feel connected with the world while in actual sense they are not (Bradburne 193).Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has been proofed to increase the feeling of loneliness among people and thus leading to psychological and emotional trauma. In addition to that, there is no limit as to what people can post on the social networking sites and this has been a cause of concern as people have taken advantage of this to post provocative information and pictures which not only cause emotional trauma but also death. Conclusion Social networking is an inevitable aspect of human live because of the way that it has been incorporated in the day to day activities of people. People meet, connect, learn and do their business through social networking sites. With the advancement in technology, the importance of social networking is increasing and it is important that people learn how to deal with it given the adverse effects that it can have. Bradburne, Alan. Practical Rails Social Networking Sites. New York: Apress, 2007. Print. DasGupta, Subhasish. Social Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Appl ications. Hershey: Idea Group, 2009. Print Harwood, Mike. Security Strategies in Web Applications and Social Networking. Burlington: Jones and Bartlett, 2010. Print. Mason, Robin, and Frank Rennie. E-Learning and Social Networking Handbook: Resources for Higher Education. London: Routledge, 2008. Print. Niciejewska, Katharina. The Influence of Social Networks in Japanese Business-Kairetsu as a Japanese Network. Munchen: GRIN Verlag, 2007. Print. Raje, Fiona. Negotiating the Transport System: User Contexts, Experiences and Needs. Farnham: Ashgate Publishers, 2007. Print. Rosenbloom, Bert. Marketing Channels. Hoboken: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print. Smith, Peter, and Ze Zook. Marketing Communications: Integrating Offline and Online with Social Media. London: Kogan Page Publishers, 2011. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Explain the factors influencing demand and supply of motor vehicles Assignment
Explain the factors influencing demand and supply of motor vehicles Explain what effect an increase in the price of petrol is likely to have on equilibrium price - Assignment Example if consumer’s income is reduced then demand for motor vehicles, especially higher priced vehicles, is reduced; as a result the price and supply of vehicles drop. Incidents such as strikes or a rise in the cost of steel incur extra production costs for manufacturers; a rise in output costs means a fall in supply at a higher cost for the vehicles. On the other hand, if production costs are decreased and therefore motor vehicles are cheaper to produce then an increase in supply will occur with a reduction in price. Supply and demand can be illustrated as curves on a graph and where the two curves merge is the equilibrium price and number; the equilibrium sets the benchmark towards which the market moves and if demand and supply swing then the equilibrium correspondingly changes. An increase in petrol prices is an additional drain on consumer’s incomes particularly those who receive low or middle incomes, thus higher petrol prices will affect demand for vehicles in that consumers will not be able to maintain them by way of affording petrol. Demand will therefore drop and the demand curve will move to the left while the curve representing supply will move to the right resulting in a lowering of the equilibrium price of the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
A project is a complex, non-routine, one time effort limited by time, Essay
A project is a complex, non-routine, one time effort limited by time, budget, resources and performance specifications designed to meet customer needs Gray CF & Larson EW - Essay Example If there is a defined process, then standardisation is not a problem. In every software project, standard processes are employed and therefore, these can be standardised. For instance, PMI has created global standards of excellence for project management and so has National Competency Standards for Project Management (NCSPM 2007). Most of these standards are produced on an overall requirement and performance of people across the world. These might not be the ones that one might be able to adapt to their companies. Instead, a standard can be created based on the performance of the company's employees for their own internal requirement. This would ensure that the standards are more attainable and the same can be compared later with the global standards set by others. 2. The primary purpose of project management is to ensure that the customer requirements are met within the budgeted time and cost, in addition to the resources and performance specifications. While this is the target that the project manager would try to meet, there could always be issues which have to be countered by him. The time budget is drawn with the requirement of the customer in mind. The plan for the entire project in terms of time required will be drawn only on the basis of the requirements that the customer brings up. May be the customer or the company's management might bring up a time control in the plan which might make the project manager to recast the plan she has drawn. The time control and the requirements of the customer together will decide on the nature of resources that will be required for the company. Based on the resources that the project manager will employ to meet the requirements and the time limits, the costing budget is drawn. The performance specific ations will be the measure to judge how efficiently the team worked to deliver what was expected out of it, which is nothing but the customer requirements. Therefore, the entire requirements of the customer is the starting point and therefore, when the project manager meets her time schedule, resources, budget and the performance specifications, there will not be any issue in meeting the customer requirements. 3. The time, budget, resources and performance specifications are neither complementary nor competing demands. They are interrelated but not necessarily complementing one another. For instance, the planned time for a project and the constraint of time is related to the resources and the budget. When the resources in the project are increased, there will be a reduction in the time required. Not necessarily a standard mathematical relationship. The reduction may not be proportional to the resources that were employed. The same way, an increase in the time keeping the resources constant will escalate the budget. There could clear relationship between the time, resource and the budget. However, the time increase itself could have been the result of reduced resource availability. In case of performance specifications, these are only measures of the rest of the parameters that make up the project. The project performance ratings that are normally done will be calculated out of the time, bu dget, all resources or specific resources, multiple jobs and then
Monday, November 18, 2019
Answering questions one by one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Answering questions one by one - Essay Example There are some theories which claim that there is more gender apart from the female and male version (Halvor, M 1997). Patriarchy is a universally accepted Trans cultural and Trans historical phenomena according to which women are oppressed everywhere by the men in a similar manner. Gender is an important part of the social construction along with gender being a process for stratification system and also a structure. There are day to day processes which are in forced by gender. One gender is different from another one on the basis of process, rituals of the daily life and also the conversations. Stratification is in which men as a group holds greater amount of power and status than women as a group. Women are treated as being some other species as compared to the men. Gender is responsible for dividing the work in the economic production as well as the home production (Litosseliti,L, and Sunderland J,2002). It legitimates the one which are in authority and they will organize the emot ional life as well as the sexuality. The products created, tasks assigned, expectations from the job, value for money is different for both the genders in the society. Gender is something which basically displays women and men both of them to create along with control the workplace (Elizabeth G, 1992). Discourses refer to spoken communication along with the written communication. The denotations it holds include the discourse analysis along with the semantics which is a generalized concept of the conversations which exist in the contexts and also the modalities. There is a totality of the vocabulary which is used and is existent in the field of social practices long with the intellectual enquiry (Epictetus F, Dobbin,J,1998). An example of these can be taken from the religious discourse, medical discourse and also the legal discourse. There is a lot of work which is carried out on discourse and some of the work was carried out by Michel Foucault along with other social theoreticians according to which discourse is an entity of signs along with sequences having enouncements (Symeon, 1980). It is the communication of thought by words, conversations along with various talks which come under intelligent and earnest discourse. It is a formal discussion of a subject which appears in writing along with the speech. It is an integral part of the treatise, sermon and also the dissertation. Discourses are an important part of the linguistics which are an important part of the unit of writing and also speech which is connected (Machiavelli, N 1970) .Enouncement is an integral part of the discourses and it is linked with unit of semiotic signs along with the abstract construction which allows the signs to communicate and assign specific along with the repeatable relations between the objects, statements and also the subjects. This thus concludes that discourse is composed of semiotic sequences which have a relation among the signs which exist between and among statements, s ubjects and also the objects. White people are responsible for creating a dominant image of the world and they totally ignore an important factor that this thing is playing an integral role in
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Looking At Port Scanning Techniques Information Technology Essay
Looking At Port Scanning Techniques Information Technology Essay This article gives you an in-depth knowledge on some of the commonly used TCP port scanning techniques along with the pros and cons associated with each of the port scanning technique. Apart from the TCP based port scanning, it also briefly explains the different port scanning techniques available to scan the non TCP ports. Index Terms three-way handshake, open port scanning, stealth scanning, half open port scanning, Ident scanning, FTP bounce scanning, Decoy scanning, UDP scanning. In this paper firstly we will see an overview of port scanning, which includes what it is, why it is used, how it can be used and what are its effects. The second section explains in details about the various port scanning methods. This section includes detailed description on each of the port scanning methods based on TCP and some of the other port scanning methods, including the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods. This section also contains information on the TCP connection establishment, which would be helpful to have a better understanding on the various port scanning techniques. Overview on Port Scanning Before start discussing about the actual topic port scanning, first lets see what a port is, how it is used and what its functions are. The Transmission Control Protocol and User Datagram protocol are used for communication over the internet. Each of this protocol contains 65536 ports (from 0 to 65535). Each port has an associated service running. The first 1024 ports are the reserved/privilege ports which runs the dedicated service defined by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) (for example port 80 is reserved for HTTP service, port 21 for FTP, port 23 for telnet access and etc.) and these ports are known as well-known ports. The remaining are called registered ports (from 1024 to 49151) and dynamic and/or private ports (from 49152 to 65535). So, the applications in the computer use its specific port for communication with the server or with another computer. Now lets discuss about port scanning. Port scanning is a technique used to uncover the port details in a computer. Details like whether the port is open/listening or not, if it is open/listening which service is running on that port, etc can be obtained by scanning the ports. Port scanning is mainly used to find if there is any security risk involved in the computer and also to check for its weaknesses. Port scanning is done by sending messages to all the ports of the computer, and based on the response from each of the ports we can check whether the computer is prone to attacks. This technique is used by the network administrators to check for vulnerabilities in the network, like if a port is unused and it is open, then it should be closed immediately, because open ports will listen to the incoming messages which could me malicious. This could be a useful technique for the network administrators to secure their network. Also it would be good to port scan our own computers periodical ly, so that we will be able to find out what are the unwanted process and some of the malwares running in our own computer systems. Having said this, we should also be aware of the fact that, the port scanning methods will be known to the hackers too, who will try to break into the network/computer to steal the vital information. Using this technique the hackers will try to get a list of unused open/available ports. The hackers will then try to probe these ports for additional information and weakness. Using these results the hacker will try to exploit and will gain access to the computer. The operating system in the target computer will have the knowledge of logging the request that is used for port scanning activities. So the hacker will use an effective method to perform port scanning else the hacker can be easily identified. Port Scanning Methods The port scanning technique can be classified into three main types, they are Open scanning This type of scan opens a full TCP connection with the targeted host. Half-open scanning In this type of scan the client terminates the connection on receiving a response from the targeted host. Stealth scanning This type of scan prevents the connection request to the targeted host to be logged. All the above mentioned scanning types are used by a hacker to get the list of open or closed ports in the server. Among the three the open scanning technique gives accurate information about the state of the port, but it is easily detectable. Stealth scan technique can fool some of the basic Intrusion detection systems and some of the basic firewall rule sets. Before explaining in detail about each of the port scanning technique lets look into the steps involved in establishing a full TCP connection and the usage of each of the flags in the TCP message [Marco, Eddy, Germinal, Gabriela, 1999]. This is because most of the port scanning methods are based on the TCP connection and the functionalities of each of the flags bits in the TCP message. Following are the list of flags used in the TCP message and its functionalities. SYN This flag is used to initiate a TCP connection. FIN This flag specifies that the sender has finished sending the entire data. RST This flag is set to reset the connection. ACK This flag is set to acknowledge for the request. URG This flag is set to indicate that the urgent pointer is valid. PSH This flag is set to indicate that all the data should be pushed to receiver immediately without waiting for the additional information. The TCP connection establishment consists of three steps hence it called as three-way handshake. First the client will send a TCP message with SYN flag set with an initial sequence number to the targeted host. The second step is that, if the respective port in the target host is open then the target host will acknowledge the clients SYN by incrementing the clients initial sequence number by 1 and sends back to the client along with its own initial sequence number with the SYN message. Third step, the client on receiving the target hosts TCP message with SYN flag set it will send an ACK message and the target hosts initial sequence number incremented by 1 to the target host. This is how the TCP connection will be established between two hosts. Shown below is the pictorial representation of three-way handshake TCP connection. SYN, Clients ISN (initial seq. num) Client Target host SYN, Target hosts ISN (initial seq. num) Clients ISN + 1Client Target host ACK, Target hosts ISN + 1 Client Target host Having the basic knowledge of TCP connection and the functionalities of each of the flags in TCP message we will discuss in detail in each of the port scanning techniques. Open Scanning Technique: The open scanning technique will try to establish a full TCP connection with the target host. Based on the response from the target the client will decide whether the port in the target host is open or closed. This technique is slower when compared to other two techniques, since it involves in establishing a three way connection with the target. Also this technique is easily detectable and can be filtered easily. Described below is one of the open scanning methods. TCP connect scan method: The TCP connect scan method uses the connect() method in the operating system to establish a three-way connection between the target host [Dethy, 2001]. Client will send Æ’Â SYN Server will respond with Æ’Â SYN, ACK Client will respond with Æ’Â ACK In the above three-way handshake the server responds with the SYN message which means that the listening port in the targeted host is in the open state. Client will send Æ’Â SYN Server will respond with Æ’Â RST, ACK Client will respond with Æ’Â RST In this case, the server responds with the RST message to the request. This shows that the listening port in the targeted host in the closed state. By this way a list of open or closed ports in the targeted host can be obtained. The advantages of this scanning method are that it is fast, accurate and does not require extra user privileges. The disadvantages are this method is easily detectable and could be logged. Half Open Scanning Technique: In the half open scanning technique the client will terminate the connection even before the three-way handshake is completed. Two types of scanning methods come under the half open scanning technique. They are 1) SYN scanning and 2) IP ID header or dumb scanning. SYN scan method: This method is similar to the full connection/TCP connect scan method. The difference is that when the client receives a SYN message from the target host it will close the connection by sending a RST message to the target machine. This is because the SYN message from the target host is enough to know that its listening port is in open state. If a RST message is received from the target host then it means that the listening port in the target host is in closed state. Thus a three-way handshake is restricted in this type of scan method. The pictorial representation of which is shown below [Dethy, 2001]. Pictorial representation if the port is in open state, Client will send Æ’Â SYN Target will respond with Æ’Â SYN, ACK Client will respond with Æ’Â RST Pictorial representation if the port is in closed state, Client will send Æ’Â SYN Target will respond with Æ’Â RST, ACK The advantages of this method are it is fast, accurate and it is less frequently logged when compared to open scan method. The main disadvantage is that for this type of scanning the sender or client needs to customise the IP packet which requires special user privileges, and this is the case for almost all of the operating systems. IP ID header or dumb scanning method: The basis of this scan method is similar to the SYN scan method but the difference is that IP ID header or dumb scanning method uses a third host to scan the target host, and based on the id value in the IP header field this scan method will decide whether the listening port in the targeted host is in open or closed state. The third host should be identified in such a way that it should send very little amount of traffic or preferably no traffic, hence this type of host is said to be silent or dumb host. It requires lots of effort to identify this type of host. In this scenario, there will three different host. One is the attacker host (A), second is the silent host (S) and third is the target host (T). First A will send consecutive ping packets to S, this is to analyse the id value in the IP header field. Each time the silent host will increment the id value by 1 in its response. An example of which is shown below, 60 bytes from AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD: seq=1 ttl=64 id=+1 win=0 time=96 ms 60 bytes from AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD: seq=2 ttl=64 id=+1 win=0 time=88 ms 60 bytes from AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD: seq=2 ttl=64 id=+1 win=0 time=88 ms Now using the source address of host S, host A will send a spoofed SYN message to the host T. The host T will respond to host S with either SYN message or the RST message based on the listening ports state. Now the host A will examine the ping responses from the host S to check the id value in the IP header. If the id value is more than 1 then it shows that the respective port in the host T is open, because only when the host S will respond back to host T and increments the id value. That is the host T would have responded to the host S with the SYN message for the spoofed SYN message from the host A. If the value of id is 1 then it indicates that the respective listening port in the host T is in closed state. Stealth scanning technique: The stealth scanning technique is a technique used to avoid the logging of port scan performing in a host and to break into the basic filters and firewalls implemented. This technique slows the scan due to which the ports are scanned over a long time period. Thus it restricts the target host to trigger an alert. In this section we will discuss about four types of stealth scanning techniques. FIN scan method: As the name implies this method uses the FIN flag in the TCP message to identify the list of open or close ports in the target host. That is the attacker will send a TCP message with FIN flag set to target host. Based on the response from the target the attacker will determine whether the listening port in the target is open or closed. If the listening port in the target is closed then it will reply back with the RST message. The negotiation is shown below, Attacker will send Æ’Â FIN Target will respond with Æ’Â RST If the listening port is open then the target will not send any response back. The negotiation is shown below, Attacker will send Æ’Â FIN Target response Æ’Â none The advantages of this method are it can bypass many intrusion detection systems and these scans are not logged. The disadvantage is that at times it can produce false results. NULL scanning method: The null scanning method will send a TCP message to the target without setting any of the six flags in the TCP message. Based on the response from the target the attacker will generate a list of open ports. If the response from the target is RST then the listening port in the target host is said to be in closed state, else if a there is no response from the target then the port is open. The advantages of this method are it can bypass many intrusion detection systems and these scans are not logged. The disadvantage is that at times it can produce false results and it can be used only in UNIX systems. XMAS scanning method: The implementation of XMAS method is exactly opposite to the NULL scanning method. That is, the Xmas scanning method will send a TCP message with all the six flags set. If the response from the target is RST then the listening port in the target host is said to be in closed state, else if a there is no response from the target then the port is open. The advantages and disadvantages of this method are same as that of the NULL scanning method. TCP fragmenting method: The TCP fragmenting itself is not a port scanning method; instead it is used to improve the other stealth port scanning methods like FIN, NULL, and XMAS [Marco, Eddy, Germinal, Gabriela, 1999]. This method splits the TCP header into smaller fragments such that it is not easily detected by the firewalls and other intrusion detection systems implemented. All the above discussed port scanning techniques are specific to the TCP ports. There are other port scanning techniques available for scanning non TCP ports, some of which are explained below. UDP scanning technique: The UDP scanning technique is used to get a list of available/open DUP ports in a target host. The method sends a UDP message to the target, and based on the response from the target the attacker will determine whether the port is open or closed. If the response from the target host is a UDP message then the port is open. If the response from the target is an ICMP port unreachable [Dethy, 2001] message then the port is closed. If the response is some other ICMP unreachable message then the port is filtered. If there is no response from the target host then the listening port is either open or filtered. The advantages are, it is used to scan non TCP ports and it is not restricted by TCP Intrusion detection system. Its disadvantages are it is easily detectable and requires root access. Ident scanning technique: The scanning methods that we have discussed so far is used to get a list of open/available ports, but the Ident scanning technique is used to get the information about the owner of the process running in those available/open ports. This method uses the insecure issue in the Identification protocol to uncover the owner details of the process running in the listening ports. This technique can be employed only when the target host is running the identd service in port 113. FTP bounce scanning technique: This technique uses an option in the FTP protocol to perform port scanning. That is, this method uses proxy ftp servers to communicate with the target host and to perform port scanning in each of its ports. For this the proxy functionality in the ftp server should be enabled. In this method, first the attacker establishes ftp connection with the proxy FTP server. Then using the port and list commands it tries to scan each of the ports in the target host. If the listening port is open then the server will send 150 and 226 response codes to the attacker, else if the port is closed the server will respond with the 425 reply code to the attacker. Decoy scanning technique: The decoy scanning technique sends several packets to the same port in the target host. All of these IP packets contain spoofed IP address except one of the packet. That is, one in a several packets holds the actual attackers IP address. Thus this method makes sure that at least one response from the target host is sent to the attacker. The advantages of this method are that it is extremely hard for the administrator to identify the exact scanner/attacker and the result obtained from this method is accurate. The disadvantage of this technique is that, since it sends several packets to the same port the flow of traffic will be high. Conclusion The different types of port scanning techniques are explained in detail along with their advantages and disadvantages. We have seen that most of the port scanning techniques are based on the TCP protocol, but other port scanning techniques are available to scan the non TCP ports. At present numerous software tools are available to perform an effective port scanning in the local host or the remote host to check for the existing vulnerabilities and ways to fix them. Some of the popular tools are SATAN and N-Map. Port scanning techniques are not only used by the attackers to break into the computer/network, it can also be used to check our own computers for vulnerabilities and to take preventive actions for those vulnerabilities.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Violence against Women :: Sociology Essays Research Papers
Violence against Women Gender-based violence has been recognized as a large public health problem as well as a violation of human rights worldwide. One out of three women has been beaten, coerced into sex, or abused in another way at least once in her life ( The abuser is usually a member of the family, introducing the difficult problem in that the abuse usually happens behind closed doors, and is often viewed by cultural norms and legal systems as a family matter rather than a crime. The statistics available on violence against women are startling. Domestic violence is the major cause of death and disability for European women ages 16 to 44 and accounts for more deaths and injuries than automobile accidents and cancer. The Russian government estimates that over 14,000 women were killed by family members in 1999, but there is still no legislation that specifically addresses domestic violence. In South Africa, more women are shot in the home by relatives than are shot on the streets or by intruders ( Two of the most common forms of abuse in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood are intimate partner abuse and coerced sex. Intimate partner abuse is almost always accompanied by serious psychological abuse and in one quarter to one half of cases is also accompanied by forced sex. Most women that are abused numerous times often become terrified of their partners. Many are scared to speak to someone about the abuse due to the fear that the abuse will get worse if reported ( In some countries, women are discriminated against by laws that do not protect from violence in the home. Police and persecutors sometimes refuse to help women abused in the home because of the false assumption that these women bring on the abuse themselves. Women that attempt to testify against their husbands may lose custody of their children. For women of these nations, there is no way out and nobody to listen ( The effects of abuse may be detrimental to a woman’s reproductive health, as well as to other aspects of her physical health and psychological state. Along with increasing injury, physical abuse can cause an array of other problems such as increased risk of unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, adverse pregnancy complications, chronic pain, physical disability, depression, and drug and alcohol use. Health care providers often miss opportunities to detect if a woman has been abused by either being unaware, indifferent, or judgmental.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality Essay
Historical and scientific perspectives have molded homosexuality, and the way homosexuals are viewed by themselves and others. In past western society ancient Greece, homosexual teachings were performed by the Greek society, and were thought of as a societal norm Younger males were normally seen in a homosexual relationship with an older male, these types of relations were common in ancient Greece. The way Greek perceived life back in ancient times it is starting to ease up in our modern time, and homosexuality is beginning to be viewed as if we were in ancient times especially among western countries. In modern time homosexuals are learning to cope with their homosexuality, as it is beginning to be seen as something normal that has been here since ancient times for thousands of years. Homosexuality in the ancient Greek society shows that even back then people were aware of the different sexual behaviors and feelings certain people might have, and even back then they accepted people’s individual sexual choices. In modern day when a homosexual is first coming out and announcing his way of life he/she should be proud of what they are doing because it is something that has been going on for thousands of years, and is not something to be ashamed and secretive about. Homosexuals should not let judgmental people get to them by saying you were born that way or the environment influenced you to behave like that. The truth is the truth and you are who you are nothing can or will change that is if we stay true to our self. This means as long as we know where we came from and who we ar e why should we let peoples words bother us because we know the truth about our self. As we move along, back to ancient Greece and now also including the people of ancient Rome’s homosexuality. In both of the cities ancient Greece/Rome men would travel the streets of the city looking for someone to rock their world. On top of roaming the streets for some good quality male bonding they would dress and act as if they were not men, but female. This was look at in disapproval and unacceptable that is why when the religion of Christianity increased and started to grow the downfall of ancient Rome followed, and homosexual relations were banned. The new found law prohibited sexual behavior that was not found normal. Normal sexual behavior being male-female and marriage any other acts of sex, and the people would be punished for their actions. This law continued for many years to follow, and people were committed and punished if they broke the law. Unfortunately this did not stop homosexuals from expressing their homosexuality they just became more discrete about it, so they would not see punishment from their actions. Today, most modern religions still do not approve of homosexuality seeing it as a sin. Some countries are very religious, and prohibit homosexual activity; those that are found guilty will be severely punished. The view that is seen on homosexuality in the modern day has been seen for thousands of years. That is why some homosexuals are afraid to accept their sexuality because of religious reasons (punishment from god) and society (disapproval). The hatred that is forced upon gay individuals has made it very difficult for them to be accepted among society. In our society it is normal when found to be gay to be criticized for it, and deal with harsh treatment that a straight person accepted in society would not have to deal with. When found to be a gay individual they even may have to change their church to one that accepts the view of a homosexuality. When growing up we learn that homosexuality is unnatural and not the right way of life that is not the case it is completely natural. Unfortunately many times in the beginning a homosexual might not know what they are experiencing wondering why they are different, and if it is alright they could grow to hate them self for it thinking that they are not normal. In modern time many countries still punish homosexuals, while others are more accepting they just deny homosexuals the right to marry due to religious reasons. That is all slowly changing and I think in the future will be seen differently. The scientific views on homosexuality are homosexuals inborn or is it caused due to environmental influences. That is a question that have been asked and wondered for many years, but in modern days there is evidence directing us towards homosexuality developing as an inborn characteristic. Research done on both identical and fraternal twins, show that there are higher concordance rates of gay monozygotic twins. Rathus, Nevid, and Fichner-Rathus, (2005) report that about â€Å"52% of identical (MZ) twin pairs were found to be â€Å"concordant†(in agreement) for a gay male sexual orientation, compared with 22% of fraternal (DZ) twins and only 11% of adoptive brothers†(p. 312). Also, evidence has suggested that hormonal influences could be responsible for differences in sexual orientation. Rathus, Nevid, and Fichner-Rathus (2005) explain that prenatal sex hormones be responsible for tissues in the brain to think sexually one way, but for genital development to be the other way. Also, structural examinations on the brains of heterosexual and homosexual males have provided speculative evidence that a part of the hypothalamus in gay males is smaller than that region of the hypothalamus in heterosexual males. Developing an understanding from the scientific view point on homosexuality has helped homosexuals understand why they are the way they are. Before scientific studies provided the information that homosexuality could be due to inborn, many individuals believed that people decided to be homosexuals. After the scientific studies though that thought is seen as false, and the reason why people become homosexuals is because they are born that way. Homosexuals do not choose their sexual path they are born having sexual arousals from the same sex. Homosexual people do not hate them self as much knowing the facts from the scientific studies that they were born that way, rather than choose to be that way now they feel it is how god wanted they to be and they can accept them self’s. Out The Closet and Accepting Who they are The biggest goal to overcome when being a homosexual is when the perfect time to come out the closet, and admit to our family and friends (hey I’m a homosexual). Not only is finding the perfect time hard to find, but also finding the right words to use when telling them you are not just going to say hey I’s a homosexual. Another difficult obstacle to overcome is accepting the different view we will see from society when coming out. Many homosexuals are afraid to tell friends and family because they have not completely grasped the concept of what they are. This is especially seen in someone who is transformed from heterosexual to homosexual. Another thing that bobbles around their thoughts when coming out is that they will lose important people in their life or lose their job. Coming out or letting people into your homosexuality is a very challenging experience that is one of the most difficult task a homosexual will face. One of the most common deaths an early homosexual faces is suicide normally for one of two reasons understanding their new sexuality or the fear of coming out to other people about it. Once a homosexual takes control of their power and accepts the fact they are living a life of homosexuality they can adjust to what society expects from them. After they can accept what society thinks of them they can form a relationship with an intimate partner, and develop a perfect homosexual lifestyle. Historical and Scientific Views Reflected on Personal Sexuality One’s personal sexuality has been molded and determined by history and scientific views that are seen in one’s life culture or society. Historical and scientific views reflected the way people see their own personal sexuality for the better. It has helped homosexuals better understand why they are the way they are, and they are not different that throughout time there has been people of the same sexuality facing the same problems. In modern time the punishment might not be as harsh as back in ancient time, but it is still there and seen. Homosexuality is still frowned upon by many, and many also criticize and harass homosexuals because of their difference in behavior. In the future with homosexuality become more open and known about to the public I think that schools should teach about it at an earlier age to help the younger society better understand it. Homosexuality in most cases is misjudged and treated in the wrong way if people learned about it at an earlier age t hey could learn to have a kinder understanding, and be more accepted of homosexuals. Another benefit of teaching it at an earlier age is that it would give people the benefit of know why they are the way they are, and if they feel they are different.Homosexuality has been around for thousands of year before Christianity it was accepted freely, but after the religion started growing rules banned homosexuality from being free. Homosexuals had to live in the shadows hiding who they were afraid of society, and how they would be treated and the punishment they would receive if found to be homosexuals. Throughout time the harsh treatment homosexuals faced has not ended it is becoming more in the open, and they are beginning to be accepted for who they are. Homosexuality is not always chosen it is sometimes something we are born being we cannot help they way we feel, but that does not make us different. Our sexuality might not be the same as everyone else’s, but neither are their sexuality to ours. Reference Rathus, S.A., Nevid, J.S., and Fichner-Rathus, L. (2005). Human sexuality in a world of diversity. (6th ed.) Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Steel
Have you ever wondered how skyscrapers came about? Before there were skyscrapers, there were towers. Made of heavy stone, towers had thick, sturdy walls, but the rooms were dark and cramped. The reason the towers were so dark was because having too many windows would weaken the structure. Soon Gothic cathedrals joined the quest for height. Long, stone arms, called flying buttresses, supported the cathedral’s heavy weight, allowing the walls to be filled with colorful glass windows. George A. Fuller was the first person to invent the sky scrapper. Fuller worked on solving the problems of â€Å"load bearing capacities†of tall buildings. Fuller built the Tacoma building in 1889, the first structure ever built where the outside walls did not carry the weight of the building. In order for Fuller’s idea to work he needed a material and enough of that material to make a steel cage that could support the weight. The Flatiron Building was one of New York City’s first skyscrapers, built in 1902 by Fuller’s building company. With an idea as valuable as Fuller’s someone had to step up to the plate and create a way to mass-produce steel inexpensively. That man was Henry Bessemer of England. In 1855, Bessemer developed the idea of â€Å"air blowing the carbon out of the pig iron†, which is still used today to make modern steel.... Free Essays on Steel Free Essays on Steel Have you ever wondered how skyscrapers came about? Before there were skyscrapers, there were towers. Made of heavy stone, towers had thick, sturdy walls, but the rooms were dark and cramped. The reason the towers were so dark was because having too many windows would weaken the structure. Soon Gothic cathedrals joined the quest for height. Long, stone arms, called flying buttresses, supported the cathedral’s heavy weight, allowing the walls to be filled with colorful glass windows. George A. Fuller was the first person to invent the sky scrapper. Fuller worked on solving the problems of â€Å"load bearing capacities†of tall buildings. Fuller built the Tacoma building in 1889, the first structure ever built where the outside walls did not carry the weight of the building. In order for Fuller’s idea to work he needed a material and enough of that material to make a steel cage that could support the weight. The Flatiron Building was one of New York City’s first skyscrapers, built in 1902 by Fuller’s building company. With an idea as valuable as Fuller’s someone had to step up to the plate and create a way to mass-produce steel inexpensively. That man was Henry Bessemer of England. In 1855, Bessemer developed the idea of â€Å"air blowing the carbon out of the pig iron†, which is still used today to make modern steel....
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Angelina Jolie essays
Angelina Jolie essays Imagine life through the eyes of Angelina Jolie. Abandoned at the age of one by her father, her mother was forced to give up her dream of acting to become a full time mom for Angelina and her brother, James Haven. Although Angelina and her father, Jon Voight, still kept in touch, their relationship was very distant and unloving. She claimed not to be able to respect a man who could leave his perfect family life for a career in acting. Being that both her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, and her father were in love with film making, and the theatre, she was forced into this business. Angelina began her career as an actress at the age of five, although her first official screen appearance wasnt until she was seven years old. Can you even imagine starting your future at the early age of five years? After this role she went on to perform in Hackers (where she met her ex-husband Johnny Lee Miller), FoxFire, and Cyborge 2. However she caught the publics eye with George Wallce (in which she won a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress). Follwing this she was awarded another Golden Globe, this time for Best Actress in the made for television film Gia. Next she began working on the film Pushing Tin. Angelina told People magazine I had so much fun working on this movie, everyone was high sprited and ready to produce a best seller. (Jolie, peoplemagazine. com, Angelina Jolie) Next came the most popular movies in the career of Jolie, Playing by Heart, Bone Collector, Girl, Interrupted (at which she was awarded best supporting actress), Gone in 60 seconds, and finally The Yes, Jolie, has a very lengthy list of star roles but her first real dream for the future was to become a funeral director. She told US Weekly: There's som ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Study Of Teachers Perceptions Of Online Teaching And Satisfaction Dissertation
A Study Of Teachers Perceptions Of Online Teaching And Satisfaction Within A Private Organizational Setting - A Mixed Methods Study - Dissertation Example It stands to reason then that, according to statistics maintained by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), nearly 4,200 U.S. institutions or approximately 66% of ‘degree-granting postsecondary institutions, offered distance education courses to over 12 million students during the academic year 2006-07. Of these, 77% were enrolled in online courses, 12% in hybrid courses, and 10% in other types of courses (Institute of Education Sciences, 2007). Online education and teaching is also growing in K-12 schools. This trend was shown by a national survey comparing online and blended learning conducted in the 2005-06 academic year (Picciano & Seaman, 2007). Another follow- up survey during 2007-08 showed a 47% rise from the previous survey, with over 1 million students enrolled in online learning nationwide (Ibid.). Drawing on national data compiled over a span of six years, it has been predicted that no less than half of all high school courses will be online by 2019; b efore then, it is expected that about five to six million K-12 students (10% of the national total) will be taking classes online (Picciano, Seaman, & Allen, 2010). Industry organizations such as the â€Å"International Association for K- 12 Online Learning†(iNACOL) believe online learning is more than a trend. It is revolutionizing global education, and those academic institutions with strong e-learning strategies will advance to help prepare students to reach their full potential in a digital age (Arora, 2009, p. 17). Education through online learning is presenting fresh opportunities for all students, despite learning abilities, background, income level or location (Curran & Allen, 2006). Statement of the Problem The dynamic state of online... Online education and teaching is also growing in K-12 schools. This trend was shown by a national survey comparing online and blended learning conducted in the 2005-06 academic year (Picciano & Seaman, 2007). Another follow- up survey during 2007-08 showed a 47% rise from the previous survey, with over 1 million students enrolled in online learning nationwide (Ibid.). Drawing on national data compiled over a span of six years, it has been predicted that no less than half of all high school courses will be online by 2019; before then, it is expected that about five to six million K-12 students (10% of the national total) will be taking classes online. Industry organizations such as the â€Å"International Association for K- 12 Online Learning†(iNACOL) believe online learning is more than a trend. It is revolutionizing global education, and those academic institutions with strong e-learning strategies will advance to help prepare students to reach their full potential in a digital age (Arora, 2009, p. 17). Education through online learning is presenting fresh opportunities for all students, despite learning abilities, background, income level or location (Curran & Allen, 2006). The dynamic state of online education has outpaced empirical research into the theory that applies to the area of teacher satisfaction. Even a moderately intensive search of the literature shows that more than half are devoted to student satisfaction, suggesting an overwhelming concern with market forces and revenue streams.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
International Investing Project Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
International Investing Project - Term Paper Example The firm is also seen to be restructuring senior leadership and management positions across all their subsidiaries. There has been rising volumes of new businesses in Asia. For instance in Hong Kong, where Goldman Sachs is reinforcing its M&A team, has been particularly busy. The upsurge in business activity has also pushed up the Asian share of global Mergers & Acquisition to 20.3 percent from 18.4 percent a year ago. Citi group lending business has been performing quite well. It has the largest number of subsidiaries worldwide and a huge market capitalization. The company’s solvency is viewed as very strong from the 2014 stress test and the cost drivers of the business have been greatly reduced which make Citi have the best yield on its shares as compared to the other three companies. Advantest Corp operates in three segments: mechatronics system segment, focusing on peripheral devices including test handlers and device interfaces, and services, support and others segment. The last being semiconductor and component test system segment. There is little fluctuation in stock prices for this company, which can be attributed to few innovations over the past years. This has led to low yields in the ordinary share of the company The Company has been aggressive enough to acquire propulsion contracts in Finland worth $20 million and the level of diversification made by this business in high. They produce far more tech commodities and services than Advantest which gives them leverage and potential good returns. Citi group stock has also outperformed the market estimate of Standard and Poor’s 500. Suitable prevailing interest rates and increasing new business volumes for the banking sector has benefited the Company. Considering its global presence, one can say that its stock performance is dictated in general by other economies too. (a) This is a comparison is between the NYSE Japan Arca index and the
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