Thursday, October 31, 2019
Company law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Company law - Essay Example The court of appeal upheld Chandler’s claims against Cape plc., and acknowledged that damages were available for the claimant from the parent firm. The liability was placed on the parent firm for which the claimant was an employee to its subsidiary. The subsidiary firm that employed Chandler had ceased operations by the time Chandler sued for damages. However, the High Court upheld Chandler’s claims, and so did the Court of appeal. Although corporate personality requires that a company within a group of companies should handle its liabilities independently, the court held that the parent company was liable for tortious negligence to Chandler. The decision made by the Court of appeal critically influences the legal provisions that govern corporate operations in more ways than just linking subsidiary liabilities to the parent firms as already seen in the Chandler v Cape plc case. Agency principles that relate to common law are often used in determining closely related cases that are filed on similar grounds. In this respect, parties that are relatively bound to benefit on the same ground as that realized by Chandler could file lawsuits against parent firms for liabilities that could have been rather carried by their subsidiaries. The corporate veil between the subsidiary and the parent firm was lifted on the ground that the parent firm best understood the working conditions that the subsidiary was subjecting its employees to. Legally, the court held that the parent firm was as liable as its subsidiary. However, the subsidiary was no longer operational, thus transferring the negligence liability to the parent firm. Duty of care existed between Chandler and the parent firm, through the employing subsidiary. Corporate veil prompts that the employees clearly understand the direct liable party in relation to whom they act for2. The obligations of all the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Use and Develop Systems That Promote Communication Essay Example for Free
Use and Develop Systems That Promote Communication Essay 1.1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own job role â€Å"Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader cant get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesnt even matter.  Gilbert Amelio President and CEO of National Semiconductor Corp. The above statement makes a huge impact, and in the role as manager this is so true. Communication both professionally and personally starts with considerate, open and honest foundations. My team includes over 50 staff members without including the many visitors, and members of the multidisciplinary team. Everyone is different and should be treated individually; you learn very quickly people’s individual communication styles. You are dealing with a wide range of personalities and abilities and your own communication style has to deliver to a diverse group with differing skill sets, and communication abilities. My level of communication within my job role is of extreme importance with regards to the client who should be at the heart of all communication around any establishment or company. Dealing with people with hearing impairments, disabilities, cerebral palsy to name a few, it is essential my communication is clear and not lengthy. Effective communication is what enables all the different departments to work well within the organization including liaising with external agencies and individuals such as the CQC, Social Services, Continuing Health Care, Hospices and health professionals. It is also essential that whatever the form of communication, be it written, electronic, organizational, promotional, verbal, non-verbal, confidentiality is maintained. Read more: Use and Develop Systems That Promote Communication As a manager in a care centre the groups and individuals I work with are varied and can range from clients with disabilities that effect many senses from hearing loss to those with sight loss or impairment. Plus the different members of the multi disciplinary team. Clients who are profoundly deaf may have the ability to sign or those with partial loss all need support to ensure they can be understood and they can communicate to the best of their ability. Key statistics state from Access Economics states that over two million people in the UK are living with sight loss and as we age we are increasingly likely to experience sight loss. Projected statistics of Dementia show there will be over one million people by 2021 and this effects peoples short and sometimes long term memory, speech, orientation, and general well being. We have clients that are borderline and able to stay with us because we can meet their needs. Dementia training is undertaking by all staff to increase the awareness and ability of everyone within the centre to support these individuals. Also in my care I have individuals with Parkinson’s, clients with Multiple Sclerosis, so it is a broad, challenging and extremely rewarding position when you see things ultimately manifest into cohesive functionality. 1.2 Explain how to support effective communication within own job role Within my role this is done by establishing the appropriate level of support and my role is to empower and promote the individuals rights. One of my observations during my time at work on the following criteria with relevant evidence as feedback from my assessor involved running a meeting with staff from all departments. Everyone has the right to communicate in which ever way is better for them and this is highlighted under the Human Rights Act 1998 which points out the freedom of expression and everyone should having the right to communicate. It is also part of my responsibility to see that the needs and preferences are assessed correctly and a benchmark can be established so we can see what level of support is required. This is done through completing documentation and making thorough assessments and continual monitoring. Any alterations are recorded and reviews and changes are highlighted to the team. There are always key elements to assessments and reviews, including the family and friends. Everyone has a responsibility to support individuals and bearing in mind ‘need to know’ information. The aim being able to achieve the highest goal to maintain effective open channels for everyone. In my role partnerships with: †¢ Family and friends †¢ Care Staff †¢ GP’s †¢ Nutritionalists †¢ Speech Therapists †¢ Social Workers †¢ Physiotherapists †¢ Consultants †¢ Other Nursing Home Managers †¢ Central Office All the above are people I may work with in order to gain information, which supports me in my role in making the best decisions and judgments’. Everyone needs educating and supporting including myself when looking at the individuals preferred method of communication, and everyone in the above list can give valid input in assessing for example swallowing by the speech therapists. This can include communication with the RN, GP for referral, to speaking with the catering chef and carers. By doing this with effective communication and documenting accurately we can ensure that everyone’s input is maximized and as well as being written and passed on verbally it is put into practice. This results in the clients personalized care needs being met fully and that best practice is recognized and understood by all individuals. Best Practice may require looking at staff training and that as a centre we have access to any specialist information, which may be through central office or outside sources. Training underpins knowledge and is the cornerstone to maintaining exceptional standards. 1.3 Analyse the barriers and challenges to communication within own job role. We hear it said ad ver batum, effective open honest communication is fundamental like breathing. It is a skill and when people communicate well it is a reflection of how smoothly things operate. Communicating in an appropriate and Communication is key. Appropriate, open, honest, practical, down to earth and accurate are words which can be associated with effective communication. There are barriers and challenges, which we will look at. A barrier is something which blocks and there can be many in the realms of communication. Anything that interrupts the flow. One thing can be the language used. Eradicating abbreviations, and avoiding corporate or professional jargon makes everything simpler. Physical Barriers: Possibly the environment, such as loud tvs can have a distracting effect. Temperature, lighting and how people are located, either close to each other. People may be in different locations as we have with central office. Failure of management to cascade information. Failure of technological equipment. Physiological/Emotional Barriers: Personal difficulties can effect concentration, clients with lack of understanding, or memory loss due to their condition. This could also include poor eyesight or hearing difficulties Poor Understanding and language differences: Different nationalities and cultural differences, understanding accents and sayings can be amusing or an ambiguity of words and meanings but again a barrier for everyone. Misinterpretation of body language could have an impact. Attitudes within an organization: This can be because of poor management, weak leadership. People refusing to communicate if they feel a lack of motivation or unhappy with work. General resistance to change can be another factor and lack of understanding about a subject or material. Is the content difficult an complex to understand. Values and Beliefs: Everyones values and beliefs can create underlying barriers often without people realizing which results in different responses to how something is dealt with. Use of Power, Corporate Bullying and Aggressiveness: These can lead to potential barriers because people do not function naturally or work to the best of their abilty Any of the above can result in the failure of communication or in a result, which was not wanted. The audience has to be considered and ultimately it is my role to act immediately to ensure barriers are overcome. 1.4 Implement a strategy to overcome communication barriers By assessing the situation, and implementing a plan initially we can quickly establish what needs to be done. By doing this we can see any barriers, which may arise. When dealing with a client a plan of care will identify the problems and what they would like to achieve. By working with everyone within the multidisciplinary team appropriate assessments with Speech Therapists for example can arrange the necessary aids, training if necessary for staff to understand food consistencies, how the client is to be seated and that they are mindful of the clients needs. Working with all professionals, interpreters, audiologists, GP’s etc, as a manager ensuring staff are adequately trained in all areas and mandatory training is up to date can eradicate many issues. 1.5 Use different means of communication to meet different needs Verbal, non verbal signing, signage, flip charts, pictures, Ipads, audio books, hearing aids, hearing loops, telephone amplifiers. Just a few of the many different ways we use to communicate within the care centre and not forgetting touch. A small gesture such as touch can go a long way and make a huge impression. Verbally I have communications with many people from the clients, staff, families, G.P’s etc and I have used an interpreter and translator for an Italian lady who was being assessed. Some research say the level of non verbal communication is as high as 80 %. There is so much we communicate through our body language, and we show how much we are engaged in communication by showing interest through our expressions. Flip charts and with new smaller technology such as IPads are a fantastic way to assist clients. Obviously hearing aids, and even the smart phones are voice activated and we have one client who loves the voice aid on the Iphone. We can see that we have a huge range and different ways of communicating. Essentially communication comes down to each individuals understanding and how we can best achieve that and making it personalized to each client.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Effect of Structural Pounding During Seismic Events
Effect of Structural Pounding During Seismic Events Abstract This project entitled aims at the investigation of the effect of structural pounding to the dynamic response of structures subject to strong ground motions. In many cases structural pounding during earthquake may result in considerable and incalculable damages. It usually need to be accounted for in the case of adjacent structures, bridges, base isolated buildings, industrial and port facilities, and in ground pipelines. The phenomenon of that impact force pounding has been noted by researchers and engineers over the past several decades. As we see through dull historical strokes and performance, in different investigations of past and recent earthquakes damage have illustrated several cases of pounding damage such as those that have occurred in the Imperial Valley (May 18, 1940), the Sequenay earthquake in Canada (1988), Kasai Maison (1991), the Cairo earthquake (1992), the Northridge earthquake (1994), California (1994), Kobe, Japan (1995) Turkey (1999), Taiwan (1999) and Bhuj, Ce ntral Western India (2001). Some of the most memorable seismic events were in the 1972 Managua earthquake, when the five-storey Grant Hotel suffered a complete collapse, also in the 1964 Alaska earthquake, the 14-storey Anchorage Westwood hotel pounded against its low rise ballroom and the most recently extent of pounding in Mexico City in 1985 confirmed this as a major problem. Those all evidences have continued to illustrate the annihilation of earthquakes, with devastation of engineered in both buildings and bridges structures. Amongst the feasible structural destructions, seismic produced pounding has been frequently distinguished in numerous earthquakes, as a result this phenomenon plays a key role to the structures. As engineers, we have a responsibility to prevent it or take the necessary steps to mitigate it for the future constructions by considering the properties that affect and led pounding to occur. In order to examine the effect of the various parameters associated wit h pounding forces on the dynamic response of a seismically excited structure, a number of simulations and parametric studies have been performed, using SAP2000. By more precise investigations that have been done from professional earthquake investigators and engineers pounding produces acceleration and shear at various story levels. Also, significantly depends on the gap size between superstructure segments, which we will examine later on in the project. The main aim of the project is to conduct a detailed investigation on pounding-involved response structure during a seismic event as well as observed the structural behaviour as the result of ground motion excitation by examine the properties that affect pounding and determine the solutions and the mitigations that we have to take into account before we construct a structure in order to avoid future disasters. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Seismic Pounding effect (Overview) Looking throughout the time, investigations and observations of the effects of historical earthquakes have demonstrated that many structures are susceptible to significant damage which may lead to collapse. Numerous devastating earthquakes have hit various seismically active regions. Some investigations that have been followed after those seismic events are distinguished fact providing that, an earthquake within the range of six is capable of creating and generating incalculable and irreversible damages, of both buildings and bridges. Those seismic losses have further consequences, most likely to present economical problem to the community hit. The main target of most seismic excitations are, the primary frequencies of rigid buildings between the ranges of low to medium height, resulting by this in significant accumulations of soil acceleration. Also, addition to this is the causing the presence of the inevitable enduring seismic loads in engineered structures, creating inflexible re sponses. In recent years it becomes more urgent need to minimize seismic damage not only to avoid structures failures but especially in crucial building facilities such as hospitals, telecommunications etc. as well as the protection of the critical equipment that is accommodated by those buildings. (a)barrier rail damage (Northridge earthquake 1994) (b)Connector collapse (Northridge earthquake 1994) In seismically active areas the phenomenon of pounding may need to be accounted for, in the case of closely spaced structures to avoid extensive damages and human losses. The phenomenon of that impact force-pounding has been noted by earthquake investigators over the past several decades when the presence of pounding occurred into an extent. Looking throughout the time, some historical performance of pounding has been denoted, different investigations of past and recent earthquakes damage have illustrated several cases of pounding damage such as those that have occurred in the Imperial Valley (May 18, 1940), California (1994) the Northridge earthquake, Kobe, Japan (1995) and etc. in both engineered structures, buildings and bridges. One of the most remarkable example of pounding-involved destruction resulted from interactions between the Olive View Hospital main building and one of its independently standing stairway towers during the San Fernando earthquake of 1971. The extent of po unding was recently observed in Mexico City in 1985, which then it follows the most recent one in Central Western India (2001). Considerable pounding was observed at sites over 90 km from the epicentre thus indicating the possible catastrophic damage that may occur during future earthquakes having closer epicentres. Is remarkable to denote that pounding of adjacent buildings could have defective damage such as adjacent structures with different dynamic characteristics which vibrate out of phase and there is inadequate separation gap or energy diffusion system to board the relative moderate motions of adjacent buildings. (a)Collapse of a department store building (Northridge earthquake 1994) (b)Collapse of the first story of a wooden residential building (Northridge earthquake 1994) Several researchers considered the topic of pounding between adjacent buildings (Anagnostopoulos 1988; Maison Kasai, 1990; Papadramakis et al, 1996) with proving or deriving mathematical expression in order to evaluate and calculate the pounding force, by using experimental procedures. But few people have actually addressed the topic of pounding between adjacent buildings (Tsai, 1997; Malhotra, 1997; Matsagar Jangid, 2003; Komodromos et al 2007) for which the behaviour and the requirements differ from the conventional structures. Likewise, those projects are limited especially to the study and investigation of pounding between adjacent buildings and based isolated buildings without investigating the case of conflict with neighbouring buildings and the resulting of great deformations of the superstructure. In the past engineers couldnt prevent the pounding due to some factors such as the past seismic codes did not give explicit guidance, because of this and due to particular economical factors and considerations, that are concerning the maximum land usage requirements, especially in the high density populated areas of cities pounding was unavoidable. Due to that, we are able to identify and investigate many buildings in global system which are already been built in contact or overmuch close to another that could easily cause them to suffer from pounding damage in future earthquake strikes. A large rupture is controvertible from both aspects. The overcrowded construction system in many cities complements a dominant apprehension for seismic pounding damage. For these major reasons, it has been comprehensively acquired that pounding is a disastrous phenomenon that should be anticipated or mitigated. Acceleration range will guidance in many cases to quake activities which are appreciably h igher than designed by the design codes that have been used up to now. The most affordable and easy active way for mitigating pounding effects and diminishing pounding damage, is to consider enough separation gap size between close adjacent structures, this causing difficulties to be accomplished, owing to the detailing engineered work that supposed to be done and the high cost of land in this present time. A flipside to the seismic separation gap precaution in the construction design is to reduce the effect or pounding force through devaluating lateral motion, some researchers involved in extent with lateral ground motions due to pounding such as (Kasaiet al. 1996, Abdullah et a.2001, Jankowski et al 2000, Ruangrassamee Kawashima 2003, Kawashima Shoji 2000). This procedure can be accomplished by joining adjacent structures at critical locations of the supports so that their motion could be in-phase with one another or by lessening the pounding buildings damping capacity by means of passive structural control of energy dissipation system. 1.2 Pounding force and impact element Various impact elements are usually used to illustrate the pounding between adjoining construction buildings or bridge structures. Pounding between two conflicting structures, is often simulates by using contact force-based impact models such as the linear spring, Kelvin-Voigt element and Hertz contact model element, and additionally the restitution momentum-based stereo mechanical method. (a) (b) (c) Figure 1.2.1 shows the pounding problem in: (a) bridge structures [1] S. Mithikimar and R. DesRoches 2006; (b) adjacent buildings with link elements [2] V. Annasaheb Matsagar and R. Shyam Jangid 2005; (c) adjacent building with gap size structures [1] S. Mithikimar and R. DesRoches 2006; Also another view of pounding effect beyond that in buildings is on the bridges. Many damages during strong earthquakes have occurred in bridge due to pounding between the girders when the gap is not sufficient. From many experimental studies that have been made showed that pounding damage of a bridge can have severe after-effects as it has been observed in many major earthquakes, such as the 1994 Northridge earthquake etc. As we can see from our daily routine bridges belong to one of the important lifeline systems, their proper function play major role in both our life and in the culture, especially after a devastating earthquake in order to survive and/or recovery. According to some studies [3] Chouw and Hao (2003) and [4] Hai SUI et al. (2004) showed that gap size in the bridges plays the major key role for a bridge to survive under a pounding impact force. The examined the gap size and the outcomes showed that a smaller gap size can expect larger pounding force; therefore the possibility of damage of bridge decks is higher. So on in general designs a small gap should be avoided, if is possible. Moreover according to their experiment the results showed that friction device can decrease pounding impact force that works in different earthquakes. a) Multiple-pier bridge model [4] H. SU, et al 2004; b) Two Single degree of freedom model [4] H. SU, et al 2004; An adequate gap size can contribute to the reduction of pounding effect, but nevertheless in real life the gap size for the designs is unavoidable and due to the limited space that we have to build the design the gap size end up to has smaller values. And thus we resort to other solutions in order to reduce the pounding effect, such as the friction device and bumpers (steel spring with viscous damper). Moreover friction device is much more practical and effective than bumpers. Bumpers can avoid the immediate damage but they cannot reduce the pounding force between the bridge girders, in the other hand friction device can be applied to any earthquake and also is less sensitive to various ground movements. Linear spring element The linear spring element is the easiest and simplest contact element that used to model impact. When the gap between the adjoining structures adjournments, the spring take effect and is presentational of the force established in the meanwhile of impact force. According to Maison Kasai [5] (1992) have used this model widely, to study further analyse pounding between adjacent buildings. Nonetheless, the linear spring cannot resolve the energy dissipation during impact. The linear spring element illustrated in Figure 1.2.3(a). The Kelvin-Voigt Element The Kelvin-Voigt element can be described by a linear spring in parallel with a damper, as depicted in Figure 1.2.3(b), this model has been used in some studies [6] Anagnostopoulos, 1988; [7] Anagnostopoulos and Spiliopoulos, 1992; [8] Jankowski 2005; The linear spring illustrates the force during impact and the damper accounts for the energy dissipation during impact and is mostly used. The damping coefficient (ck) can be related to the coefficient of restitution (e), by equating the energy dissipations during impact, following the form of equations below: Where, and Kk is the stiffness of the contact spring, and m1, m2 are the masses of the colliding bodies. Hertz contact law Additionally, a non linear spring based on Hertz contact law can be used to model impact, as depicted in Figure 1.2.3(c). Nonetheless, the Hertz contact law is a characteristic representing of the static contact between elastic bodies and fails to contain energy loss during impact. The impact force can be expressed in the form of the equation below: Where R is the impact stiffness parameter that depends on the material properties of the colliding structures and the contact surface geometry, g is the at-rest separation and n is the Hertz coefficient. The use of the Hertz contact law has an intuitive appeal in modelling pounding, since one would expect the contact area between the colliding structures to increase as the contact force increases, leading to a non-linear stiffness described by the Hertz coefficient n which typically is taken ad 1.5. Several analysts have adopted this approach, including [9] Davis 1992; [10] Pantelides and Ma 1998; [11] Chau and Wei 2001; and [3] Chau et al. 2003; More, for pounding simulation we can also meet the Hertzdamp model, which is a contact model based on the Hertz contact law and using a non linear hysteresis damper. According to experimental theories, for low peak ground acceleration levels, Hertz model produces sufficing results and the Hertzdamp model can be used in advance for moderate and high peak ground acceleration levels (PGA). The contact element approach has its limitations, with the exact value of spring stiffness to be used, being unclear. Uncertainty in the impact stiffness arises from the unknown geometry of the impact surfaces, uncertain material properties under loading and variable impact velocities. The contact spring stiffness is typically taken as the in plane axial stiffness of the colliding structure (Maison and Kasai, 1990). Another reasonable estimate is twenty times the stiffness of the stiffer structure [6] Anagnostopoulos, 1988; However, using a very stiff spring can lead to numerical convergence difficulties and unrealistically high impact forces. The solution difficulties arise from the large changes in stiffness upon impact or contact loss, thus resulting in large unbalanced forces affecting the stability of the assembled equations of motion. (a) Linear spring element (b) Kelvin Voigt Element (c) Hertz non-linear spring element Figure 1.2.3: Various impact models and their contact force relations [12] Thomas G.Mezger 2006; 1.3 Method of Seismic Analysis 1.3.1 Non-linear Dynamic Analysis Non-linear Dynamic analysis involves step-by step in time integration of the non-linear governing equations of motion, a powerful analysis that can evaluate any given seismic event motion. An earthquake accelerogram is correlated and the consistent response-history of a structural model during seismic events is evaluated. Computer softwares have been designed for these kinds of purposes. Sap can utilized a non-linear dynamic analysis for both linear elastic and non-linear inelastic material response, using step by step integration methods. Is a suitable computer program that is able to evaluate and analyze the response of a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional non-linear structure taking as an input the accelerogram component of an Earthquake? This program will be used to analyse our structural model and to produce a real time of time-history displacement. In a nonlinear dynamic procedure the building model followed static procedures incorporating directly the inelastic material r esponse using in general finite elements. Because this program is using step-by step integration method of analysis the response of the structure, is one of the most sophisticated analysis procedure for predicting forces and displacements under seismic input. However, the calculated response can be very sensitive to the characteristics of the individual ground motion used as seismic input; therefore several time-history analyses are required using different ground motion records. The main value of nonlinear dynamic procedures has the objective to simulate the behaviour of a building structure in detail. 1.4 Main Objectives of this project The main focus of this project is the development of an analytical model that pounding force will present based on the classical impact theory by using parametric study to identify the most important parameters that affecting pounding. Those factors that give arise to that impact force, therefore investigate of the different practical types of structures that pounding can be occurred. The main objective and scope of this study are, to explore the global response of buildings structures when the pounding effects take place under seismic events, therefore to review the main outcomes of the literature and how the impact theory come across to the practical cases. Create a structural modelling and perform a non linear time history analysis on it. Examine the realistic model of pounding that we will create if it satisfies the properties in order for the structure to work. Determine the relative importance of the dynamic characteristics of pounding. Dynamic analysis will be carried out on the model structure to observe the displacement of the structure due to earthquake excitation. When we examine the main structure we are mainly concerned with displacement, velocity and acceleration, the general dynamic behaviour of the structure under the action of dynamic loads such as earthquake lateral loads. For the purpose of the project appropriate computer software will be used for its purposes (e.g. SAP2000). Creation and versatile of the model, accomplishment of the analysis, and checking and breakthrough of the design must be all done through this interface. Graphical displays of the results, including the real-time of time-history displacements will be easily produced by the use of that software. At the end of that modelling analysis by gathering all the necessary and useful outcomes and explored in deep the main parameters derived by this, the conclusion and results of what we have to adopt as engineering before retrofitting a structure. The appropriate structural parameters are the separation gap size between adjacent structures (storey mass, structural stiffness and yield strength etc.), the dynamic behaviour of a damped multi-degree of freedom bridge system separated by an expansion joint, considering the limited width of clearance around a seismically isolated buildings, that pounding can cause high over stresses when the colliding buildings have different height, periods or masses and the isolators in bridge structures are effective in mitigating the induced seismic forces, cable restrainers etc. Engineers should adopt those realistic facts before they construct new structures in order to succeed future sustainability of the structures and avoiding by this the impact phenomenon of pounding. Accomplish to mitigate the phenomenon of pounding in order to prevent future collisions and/or engineering disasters when seismic events occur. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Practical Cases Pounding-impact force generated by earthquakes between different analytical structure models may provoke extensive damage and in general most of the times the result of that force is not pleasant, it may lead the structure to a total collision as it can be seen from different practical cases. Pounding problem is phenomenon that has been observed during earthquakes and in accordance to ground motions, and has been extensively investigated by various researchers that have used a variety of impact analytical models. Because of the importance of what pounding will have as a result of different engineering structures, attracted the attention of several scientists and analyzers? This absorption is a consequence fact of a plenty growing amount of evidence, which can be found in reports and journals, which have been created after dominant exceeding earthquakes. Demonstrating, the power of that certain impact force which may cause considerable damage. The conclusions and results of successive series of various numerical, integrated analytical and experimental studies have been conducted using individual structural models and administering different models of practical cases confirm that pounding, due to constraining additional impact forces, may result in damage as well as significantly increase the structural response. Moreover, there are many practical case histories of engineered buildings with different dynamic properties and characteristics, which have been constructed under the old earthquake resistant design codes. Analogous conditions concern also bridge constructions. When a structure is under earthquake vibrations will move according to ground motions. These vibrations can be entirely exaggerated, creating at the same time stresses and deformations throughout the structure. Evaluation of methods can be carry out in engineering practise to estimate the parameters that give a rise to pounding. The accuracy and the ability of computational appliance have increased a lot this century by helping us evaluate the seismic structural response of structure, a variety of softwares computing programs have been designed for those purposes, and can accomplished to calculate the dynamic seismic response of a structure which help engineers mitigate pounding effects in structure by avoiding future disaster s . Linear and nonlinear models are realistic pounding models that have been used for studying the performance of a structural system under the mode of structural pounding effect under seismic events. Significance to notice in seismically active areas the serious hazard that pounding can cause and in what practical cases does it occurs by review of some critical and enlightened journals and reports, according to history performance of an exceeding major earthquakes. Also a time history analysis is a dynamic tool for the investigation of a structural seismic enforcement. Because of all the above reasons, investigations have been carried out on pounding mitigation in order to improve the seismic response. 2.1.1 Linear and non-linear pounding of structural systems Pantellides and Ma [13] examined by experimental procedures, the dynamic response of a damped single degree-of-freedom structural model during a seismic event. They analysed the structural behaviour of SDF with both elastic and inelastic structural impact response by using realistic parameters for the pounding model in numerical calculations of the earthquake response. The method of analysis that they used can be used to examine pounding in both buildings and bridges. In order to accomplished to evaluate the effects that concerning pounding force during earthquake in structures, they made a comparison between linear and non-linear models. In the non-linear pounding model they produced results that showed the one-sided pounding model produces more dangerous effects than the two-sided. In their analysis they derived a mathematical equation that concerns the impact force effects in order to represent pounding model for both elastic and inelastic structures. A realistic pounding element was used for this studying and numerical simulations have demonstrated that pounding impact behaviour is not responsive to the values of the stiffness parameter. Furthermore, their experimental results for both elastic and inelastic structures in order to balance damping levels have showed that the higher deformation occurred in the elastic model. According to some observations that have been made the values of pounding force is relatively small in the inelastic structures in comparison to the elastic structures. The value codes of moderate the damping levels are controlled as compared to the actual seismic separation gap size found through the analysis of SDF structural model. The value of seismic gap is decreased considerably as the damping capacity of the pounding structural model is increased. Jankowski [14], addressed to an extent of a non-linear modelling due of earthquake that generated pounding of structural buildings, by deriving the essential fundamental mathematical expressions, involving the function and the applications of the non-linear analysis. By analysing various earthquake records, he derived appropriate mathematical expressions showing the limitation and the feasibility of a non-linear model, in anticipating values for a seismic pounding gap size as well as values for mass, elastic stiffness and damping coefficients between buildings. In his analysis of two inadequately separated buildings with different dynamic characteristics, modelled by elastoplastic multi-degree-of-freedom lumped mass models are used to simulate the functioning structural behaviour and non-linear viscoelastic impact specificity elements are applied to a model collision. The results of the study demonstrate that pounding has an indicative impact on the behaviour of structural buildings, and furthermore the results that he derived confirm the performance of the non-linear, viscoelastic model which endures to simulate the pounding phenomenon more accurately. 2.1.2 Seismic Pounding Effects between adjacent buildings In these last decades, the pounding phenomenon between closely spaced building structures can be a serious hazard especially in seismically active areas with strong ground motion. Because of that critical fact a beneficial awareness of pounding response on engineer structures and numerical formulas for calculating building separation gap size based on linear or analogous linear methods have been introduced. Abdel Raheem [14] established and achieved a tool for the inelastic analysis of seismic pounding effect between buildings. He carried out a parametric study on buildings pounding response as well as proper seismic hazard mitigation practice for adjacent buildings. Three categories of recorded earthquake excitation were used for input. He studied the effect of impact using linear and nonlinear contact force model for different separation distances and compared with nominal model without pounding consideration. Therefore the results of these studies lean on the stimulation characteristics and the relationship between the buildings fundamental period. Furthermore because pounding produces acceleration and shear in various story levels that are greater than those from the no pounding case. Westermo [16] suggested, in order improving the earthquake response of structures without adequate in-between space of the structures, to linking buildings by beams, which can carry the forces between the structures and thus annihilating collisions. Anagnostopoulos [6] analysed the effect of pounding for buildings under strong ground motions by a simplified single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model. Miller and Fatemi [17] explored in to an extent the phenomenon of pounding-impact force, of adjacent buildings subjected to harmonic motions by the vibroimpact concept. Maison and Kasai [18] modelled the buildings as multiple-degree-of-freedom systems and analysed the response of structural pounding with different types of idealizations. Papadrakakis et al. [19] studied the pounding response of two or more close separated buildings based on the Lagrange multiplier approach by which the geometric compatibility conditions due to proximity are constrained. A three-dimensional model developed for the simulation of the pounding behaviour of adjacent buildings is presented by Papadrakakis et al. [20]. In the evaluation of building separation, Jeng et al. [18] estimated the minimum separation distance required to avoid pounding of adjacent buildings by the spectral difference (SPD) method. Kasai et al. [4] extended Jengs results and proposed a simplified rule to predict the inelastic vibration phase of buildings based on the numerical results of dynamic time-history analyses. Anagnostopoulos and Spiliopoulos [7] examined the behaviour of common pounding between adjacent buildings in city blocks to several strong earthquakes. In the study, the buildings were idealized as lumped-mass, shear beam type, multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems with bilinear force deformation characteristics and with bases supported on translational and rocking spring dashpots. Collisions between adjacent masses can occur at any level and are simulated by means of viscoelastic impact elements. They used five real earthquake motions to study the effects of the following factors: building configuration and relative size, seismic separation distance and impact element properties. It was found that pounding can cause high over stresses, mainly when the colliding buildings have significantly different heights, periods or masses. They suggest a possibility for introducing a set of conditions into the codes, combined with some special measures, as an alternative to the seismic separati on requirement. Figure 2.1.2-2 on the left there is a finite element mathematical model and on the right shows the elevation view of a 2 different height building with the separation gap size [14] Abdel Raheem 2006; 2.1.3 SEISMIC POUNDING EFFECT AND RESTRAINERS ON SEISMIC RESPONCE OF MULTIPLE-FRAME BRIDGES DesRoches and Muthukumar [22] used analytical illustrations to check out, the factors and the parameters affecting the worldwide reaction and behaviour of a multiple-frame bridge as a result of pounding of adjacent frames. They have conducted parameter studies of one-sided and two-sided pounding, to dispose the effects of frame stiffness ratio, ground motion characteristics, frame yielding, and restrainers on the pounding behaviour of bridge frames. They showed that the addition of restrainers has a minor effect on the one-sided pounding response of highly out-of-phase frames. It is determined that the most important parameters are the frame period ratio and the characteristic period of the ground motion. The current study explores the effect that pounding impact-force and restrainers have on the worldwide appeal of bridge frames in a multi-frame bridge. They used investigations of two-sided pounding using MDOF models, which showed a favourable post impact response for the flexible f rame and a detrimental effect for the stiff frame demand, for all period ratios. The results from both one-sided and two-sided impact reveal that the response of bridge frames due to pounding, irrespective of the ground motion period ratio, thus validating the recommendations suggested by Caltrans. Current recommendations by Caltrans for limitations in frame period ratios to reduce the effects of pounding are evaluated through an example case. The effect of restrainers on the pounding response of bridge frames is evaluated. The results show that restrainers have very little effect on the demands on bridge frames compared with pounding. 2.1.4 GIRDER POUNDING ON BRIDGES Hao and Chouw [23] introduced a new design principle for anticipating Effect of Structural Pounding During Seismic Events Effect of Structural Pounding During Seismic Events Abstract This project entitled aims at the investigation of the effect of structural pounding to the dynamic response of structures subject to strong ground motions. In many cases structural pounding during earthquake may result in considerable and incalculable damages. It usually need to be accounted for in the case of adjacent structures, bridges, base isolated buildings, industrial and port facilities, and in ground pipelines. The phenomenon of that impact force pounding has been noted by researchers and engineers over the past several decades. As we see through dull historical strokes and performance, in different investigations of past and recent earthquakes damage have illustrated several cases of pounding damage such as those that have occurred in the Imperial Valley (May 18, 1940), the Sequenay earthquake in Canada (1988), Kasai Maison (1991), the Cairo earthquake (1992), the Northridge earthquake (1994), California (1994), Kobe, Japan (1995) Turkey (1999), Taiwan (1999) and Bhuj, Ce ntral Western India (2001). Some of the most memorable seismic events were in the 1972 Managua earthquake, when the five-storey Grant Hotel suffered a complete collapse, also in the 1964 Alaska earthquake, the 14-storey Anchorage Westwood hotel pounded against its low rise ballroom and the most recently extent of pounding in Mexico City in 1985 confirmed this as a major problem. Those all evidences have continued to illustrate the annihilation of earthquakes, with devastation of engineered in both buildings and bridges structures. Amongst the feasible structural destructions, seismic produced pounding has been frequently distinguished in numerous earthquakes, as a result this phenomenon plays a key role to the structures. As engineers, we have a responsibility to prevent it or take the necessary steps to mitigate it for the future constructions by considering the properties that affect and led pounding to occur. In order to examine the effect of the various parameters associated wit h pounding forces on the dynamic response of a seismically excited structure, a number of simulations and parametric studies have been performed, using SAP2000. By more precise investigations that have been done from professional earthquake investigators and engineers pounding produces acceleration and shear at various story levels. Also, significantly depends on the gap size between superstructure segments, which we will examine later on in the project. The main aim of the project is to conduct a detailed investigation on pounding-involved response structure during a seismic event as well as observed the structural behaviour as the result of ground motion excitation by examine the properties that affect pounding and determine the solutions and the mitigations that we have to take into account before we construct a structure in order to avoid future disasters. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Seismic Pounding effect (Overview) Looking throughout the time, investigations and observations of the effects of historical earthquakes have demonstrated that many structures are susceptible to significant damage which may lead to collapse. Numerous devastating earthquakes have hit various seismically active regions. Some investigations that have been followed after those seismic events are distinguished fact providing that, an earthquake within the range of six is capable of creating and generating incalculable and irreversible damages, of both buildings and bridges. Those seismic losses have further consequences, most likely to present economical problem to the community hit. The main target of most seismic excitations are, the primary frequencies of rigid buildings between the ranges of low to medium height, resulting by this in significant accumulations of soil acceleration. Also, addition to this is the causing the presence of the inevitable enduring seismic loads in engineered structures, creating inflexible re sponses. In recent years it becomes more urgent need to minimize seismic damage not only to avoid structures failures but especially in crucial building facilities such as hospitals, telecommunications etc. as well as the protection of the critical equipment that is accommodated by those buildings. (a)barrier rail damage (Northridge earthquake 1994) (b)Connector collapse (Northridge earthquake 1994) In seismically active areas the phenomenon of pounding may need to be accounted for, in the case of closely spaced structures to avoid extensive damages and human losses. The phenomenon of that impact force-pounding has been noted by earthquake investigators over the past several decades when the presence of pounding occurred into an extent. Looking throughout the time, some historical performance of pounding has been denoted, different investigations of past and recent earthquakes damage have illustrated several cases of pounding damage such as those that have occurred in the Imperial Valley (May 18, 1940), California (1994) the Northridge earthquake, Kobe, Japan (1995) and etc. in both engineered structures, buildings and bridges. One of the most remarkable example of pounding-involved destruction resulted from interactions between the Olive View Hospital main building and one of its independently standing stairway towers during the San Fernando earthquake of 1971. The extent of po unding was recently observed in Mexico City in 1985, which then it follows the most recent one in Central Western India (2001). Considerable pounding was observed at sites over 90 km from the epicentre thus indicating the possible catastrophic damage that may occur during future earthquakes having closer epicentres. Is remarkable to denote that pounding of adjacent buildings could have defective damage such as adjacent structures with different dynamic characteristics which vibrate out of phase and there is inadequate separation gap or energy diffusion system to board the relative moderate motions of adjacent buildings. (a)Collapse of a department store building (Northridge earthquake 1994) (b)Collapse of the first story of a wooden residential building (Northridge earthquake 1994) Several researchers considered the topic of pounding between adjacent buildings (Anagnostopoulos 1988; Maison Kasai, 1990; Papadramakis et al, 1996) with proving or deriving mathematical expression in order to evaluate and calculate the pounding force, by using experimental procedures. But few people have actually addressed the topic of pounding between adjacent buildings (Tsai, 1997; Malhotra, 1997; Matsagar Jangid, 2003; Komodromos et al 2007) for which the behaviour and the requirements differ from the conventional structures. Likewise, those projects are limited especially to the study and investigation of pounding between adjacent buildings and based isolated buildings without investigating the case of conflict with neighbouring buildings and the resulting of great deformations of the superstructure. In the past engineers couldnt prevent the pounding due to some factors such as the past seismic codes did not give explicit guidance, because of this and due to particular economical factors and considerations, that are concerning the maximum land usage requirements, especially in the high density populated areas of cities pounding was unavoidable. Due to that, we are able to identify and investigate many buildings in global system which are already been built in contact or overmuch close to another that could easily cause them to suffer from pounding damage in future earthquake strikes. A large rupture is controvertible from both aspects. The overcrowded construction system in many cities complements a dominant apprehension for seismic pounding damage. For these major reasons, it has been comprehensively acquired that pounding is a disastrous phenomenon that should be anticipated or mitigated. Acceleration range will guidance in many cases to quake activities which are appreciably h igher than designed by the design codes that have been used up to now. The most affordable and easy active way for mitigating pounding effects and diminishing pounding damage, is to consider enough separation gap size between close adjacent structures, this causing difficulties to be accomplished, owing to the detailing engineered work that supposed to be done and the high cost of land in this present time. A flipside to the seismic separation gap precaution in the construction design is to reduce the effect or pounding force through devaluating lateral motion, some researchers involved in extent with lateral ground motions due to pounding such as (Kasaiet al. 1996, Abdullah et a.2001, Jankowski et al 2000, Ruangrassamee Kawashima 2003, Kawashima Shoji 2000). This procedure can be accomplished by joining adjacent structures at critical locations of the supports so that their motion could be in-phase with one another or by lessening the pounding buildings damping capacity by means of passive structural control of energy dissipation system. 1.2 Pounding force and impact element Various impact elements are usually used to illustrate the pounding between adjoining construction buildings or bridge structures. Pounding between two conflicting structures, is often simulates by using contact force-based impact models such as the linear spring, Kelvin-Voigt element and Hertz contact model element, and additionally the restitution momentum-based stereo mechanical method. (a) (b) (c) Figure 1.2.1 shows the pounding problem in: (a) bridge structures [1] S. Mithikimar and R. DesRoches 2006; (b) adjacent buildings with link elements [2] V. Annasaheb Matsagar and R. Shyam Jangid 2005; (c) adjacent building with gap size structures [1] S. Mithikimar and R. DesRoches 2006; Also another view of pounding effect beyond that in buildings is on the bridges. Many damages during strong earthquakes have occurred in bridge due to pounding between the girders when the gap is not sufficient. From many experimental studies that have been made showed that pounding damage of a bridge can have severe after-effects as it has been observed in many major earthquakes, such as the 1994 Northridge earthquake etc. As we can see from our daily routine bridges belong to one of the important lifeline systems, their proper function play major role in both our life and in the culture, especially after a devastating earthquake in order to survive and/or recovery. According to some studies [3] Chouw and Hao (2003) and [4] Hai SUI et al. (2004) showed that gap size in the bridges plays the major key role for a bridge to survive under a pounding impact force. The examined the gap size and the outcomes showed that a smaller gap size can expect larger pounding force; therefore the possibility of damage of bridge decks is higher. So on in general designs a small gap should be avoided, if is possible. Moreover according to their experiment the results showed that friction device can decrease pounding impact force that works in different earthquakes. a) Multiple-pier bridge model [4] H. SU, et al 2004; b) Two Single degree of freedom model [4] H. SU, et al 2004; An adequate gap size can contribute to the reduction of pounding effect, but nevertheless in real life the gap size for the designs is unavoidable and due to the limited space that we have to build the design the gap size end up to has smaller values. And thus we resort to other solutions in order to reduce the pounding effect, such as the friction device and bumpers (steel spring with viscous damper). Moreover friction device is much more practical and effective than bumpers. Bumpers can avoid the immediate damage but they cannot reduce the pounding force between the bridge girders, in the other hand friction device can be applied to any earthquake and also is less sensitive to various ground movements. Linear spring element The linear spring element is the easiest and simplest contact element that used to model impact. When the gap between the adjoining structures adjournments, the spring take effect and is presentational of the force established in the meanwhile of impact force. According to Maison Kasai [5] (1992) have used this model widely, to study further analyse pounding between adjacent buildings. Nonetheless, the linear spring cannot resolve the energy dissipation during impact. The linear spring element illustrated in Figure 1.2.3(a). The Kelvin-Voigt Element The Kelvin-Voigt element can be described by a linear spring in parallel with a damper, as depicted in Figure 1.2.3(b), this model has been used in some studies [6] Anagnostopoulos, 1988; [7] Anagnostopoulos and Spiliopoulos, 1992; [8] Jankowski 2005; The linear spring illustrates the force during impact and the damper accounts for the energy dissipation during impact and is mostly used. The damping coefficient (ck) can be related to the coefficient of restitution (e), by equating the energy dissipations during impact, following the form of equations below: Where, and Kk is the stiffness of the contact spring, and m1, m2 are the masses of the colliding bodies. Hertz contact law Additionally, a non linear spring based on Hertz contact law can be used to model impact, as depicted in Figure 1.2.3(c). Nonetheless, the Hertz contact law is a characteristic representing of the static contact between elastic bodies and fails to contain energy loss during impact. The impact force can be expressed in the form of the equation below: Where R is the impact stiffness parameter that depends on the material properties of the colliding structures and the contact surface geometry, g is the at-rest separation and n is the Hertz coefficient. The use of the Hertz contact law has an intuitive appeal in modelling pounding, since one would expect the contact area between the colliding structures to increase as the contact force increases, leading to a non-linear stiffness described by the Hertz coefficient n which typically is taken ad 1.5. Several analysts have adopted this approach, including [9] Davis 1992; [10] Pantelides and Ma 1998; [11] Chau and Wei 2001; and [3] Chau et al. 2003; More, for pounding simulation we can also meet the Hertzdamp model, which is a contact model based on the Hertz contact law and using a non linear hysteresis damper. According to experimental theories, for low peak ground acceleration levels, Hertz model produces sufficing results and the Hertzdamp model can be used in advance for moderate and high peak ground acceleration levels (PGA). The contact element approach has its limitations, with the exact value of spring stiffness to be used, being unclear. Uncertainty in the impact stiffness arises from the unknown geometry of the impact surfaces, uncertain material properties under loading and variable impact velocities. The contact spring stiffness is typically taken as the in plane axial stiffness of the colliding structure (Maison and Kasai, 1990). Another reasonable estimate is twenty times the stiffness of the stiffer structure [6] Anagnostopoulos, 1988; However, using a very stiff spring can lead to numerical convergence difficulties and unrealistically high impact forces. The solution difficulties arise from the large changes in stiffness upon impact or contact loss, thus resulting in large unbalanced forces affecting the stability of the assembled equations of motion. (a) Linear spring element (b) Kelvin Voigt Element (c) Hertz non-linear spring element Figure 1.2.3: Various impact models and their contact force relations [12] Thomas G.Mezger 2006; 1.3 Method of Seismic Analysis 1.3.1 Non-linear Dynamic Analysis Non-linear Dynamic analysis involves step-by step in time integration of the non-linear governing equations of motion, a powerful analysis that can evaluate any given seismic event motion. An earthquake accelerogram is correlated and the consistent response-history of a structural model during seismic events is evaluated. Computer softwares have been designed for these kinds of purposes. Sap can utilized a non-linear dynamic analysis for both linear elastic and non-linear inelastic material response, using step by step integration methods. Is a suitable computer program that is able to evaluate and analyze the response of a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional non-linear structure taking as an input the accelerogram component of an Earthquake? This program will be used to analyse our structural model and to produce a real time of time-history displacement. In a nonlinear dynamic procedure the building model followed static procedures incorporating directly the inelastic material r esponse using in general finite elements. Because this program is using step-by step integration method of analysis the response of the structure, is one of the most sophisticated analysis procedure for predicting forces and displacements under seismic input. However, the calculated response can be very sensitive to the characteristics of the individual ground motion used as seismic input; therefore several time-history analyses are required using different ground motion records. The main value of nonlinear dynamic procedures has the objective to simulate the behaviour of a building structure in detail. 1.4 Main Objectives of this project The main focus of this project is the development of an analytical model that pounding force will present based on the classical impact theory by using parametric study to identify the most important parameters that affecting pounding. Those factors that give arise to that impact force, therefore investigate of the different practical types of structures that pounding can be occurred. The main objective and scope of this study are, to explore the global response of buildings structures when the pounding effects take place under seismic events, therefore to review the main outcomes of the literature and how the impact theory come across to the practical cases. Create a structural modelling and perform a non linear time history analysis on it. Examine the realistic model of pounding that we will create if it satisfies the properties in order for the structure to work. Determine the relative importance of the dynamic characteristics of pounding. Dynamic analysis will be carried out on the model structure to observe the displacement of the structure due to earthquake excitation. When we examine the main structure we are mainly concerned with displacement, velocity and acceleration, the general dynamic behaviour of the structure under the action of dynamic loads such as earthquake lateral loads. For the purpose of the project appropriate computer software will be used for its purposes (e.g. SAP2000). Creation and versatile of the model, accomplishment of the analysis, and checking and breakthrough of the design must be all done through this interface. Graphical displays of the results, including the real-time of time-history displacements will be easily produced by the use of that software. At the end of that modelling analysis by gathering all the necessary and useful outcomes and explored in deep the main parameters derived by this, the conclusion and results of what we have to adopt as engineering before retrofitting a structure. The appropriate structural parameters are the separation gap size between adjacent structures (storey mass, structural stiffness and yield strength etc.), the dynamic behaviour of a damped multi-degree of freedom bridge system separated by an expansion joint, considering the limited width of clearance around a seismically isolated buildings, that pounding can cause high over stresses when the colliding buildings have different height, periods or masses and the isolators in bridge structures are effective in mitigating the induced seismic forces, cable restrainers etc. Engineers should adopt those realistic facts before they construct new structures in order to succeed future sustainability of the structures and avoiding by this the impact phenomenon of pounding. Accomplish to mitigate the phenomenon of pounding in order to prevent future collisions and/or engineering disasters when seismic events occur. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Practical Cases Pounding-impact force generated by earthquakes between different analytical structure models may provoke extensive damage and in general most of the times the result of that force is not pleasant, it may lead the structure to a total collision as it can be seen from different practical cases. Pounding problem is phenomenon that has been observed during earthquakes and in accordance to ground motions, and has been extensively investigated by various researchers that have used a variety of impact analytical models. Because of the importance of what pounding will have as a result of different engineering structures, attracted the attention of several scientists and analyzers? This absorption is a consequence fact of a plenty growing amount of evidence, which can be found in reports and journals, which have been created after dominant exceeding earthquakes. Demonstrating, the power of that certain impact force which may cause considerable damage. The conclusions and results of successive series of various numerical, integrated analytical and experimental studies have been conducted using individual structural models and administering different models of practical cases confirm that pounding, due to constraining additional impact forces, may result in damage as well as significantly increase the structural response. Moreover, there are many practical case histories of engineered buildings with different dynamic properties and characteristics, which have been constructed under the old earthquake resistant design codes. Analogous conditions concern also bridge constructions. When a structure is under earthquake vibrations will move according to ground motions. These vibrations can be entirely exaggerated, creating at the same time stresses and deformations throughout the structure. Evaluation of methods can be carry out in engineering practise to estimate the parameters that give a rise to pounding. The accuracy and the ability of computational appliance have increased a lot this century by helping us evaluate the seismic structural response of structure, a variety of softwares computing programs have been designed for those purposes, and can accomplished to calculate the dynamic seismic response of a structure which help engineers mitigate pounding effects in structure by avoiding future disaster s . Linear and nonlinear models are realistic pounding models that have been used for studying the performance of a structural system under the mode of structural pounding effect under seismic events. Significance to notice in seismically active areas the serious hazard that pounding can cause and in what practical cases does it occurs by review of some critical and enlightened journals and reports, according to history performance of an exceeding major earthquakes. Also a time history analysis is a dynamic tool for the investigation of a structural seismic enforcement. Because of all the above reasons, investigations have been carried out on pounding mitigation in order to improve the seismic response. 2.1.1 Linear and non-linear pounding of structural systems Pantellides and Ma [13] examined by experimental procedures, the dynamic response of a damped single degree-of-freedom structural model during a seismic event. They analysed the structural behaviour of SDF with both elastic and inelastic structural impact response by using realistic parameters for the pounding model in numerical calculations of the earthquake response. The method of analysis that they used can be used to examine pounding in both buildings and bridges. In order to accomplished to evaluate the effects that concerning pounding force during earthquake in structures, they made a comparison between linear and non-linear models. In the non-linear pounding model they produced results that showed the one-sided pounding model produces more dangerous effects than the two-sided. In their analysis they derived a mathematical equation that concerns the impact force effects in order to represent pounding model for both elastic and inelastic structures. A realistic pounding element was used for this studying and numerical simulations have demonstrated that pounding impact behaviour is not responsive to the values of the stiffness parameter. Furthermore, their experimental results for both elastic and inelastic structures in order to balance damping levels have showed that the higher deformation occurred in the elastic model. According to some observations that have been made the values of pounding force is relatively small in the inelastic structures in comparison to the elastic structures. The value codes of moderate the damping levels are controlled as compared to the actual seismic separation gap size found through the analysis of SDF structural model. The value of seismic gap is decreased considerably as the damping capacity of the pounding structural model is increased. Jankowski [14], addressed to an extent of a non-linear modelling due of earthquake that generated pounding of structural buildings, by deriving the essential fundamental mathematical expressions, involving the function and the applications of the non-linear analysis. By analysing various earthquake records, he derived appropriate mathematical expressions showing the limitation and the feasibility of a non-linear model, in anticipating values for a seismic pounding gap size as well as values for mass, elastic stiffness and damping coefficients between buildings. In his analysis of two inadequately separated buildings with different dynamic characteristics, modelled by elastoplastic multi-degree-of-freedom lumped mass models are used to simulate the functioning structural behaviour and non-linear viscoelastic impact specificity elements are applied to a model collision. The results of the study demonstrate that pounding has an indicative impact on the behaviour of structural buildings, and furthermore the results that he derived confirm the performance of the non-linear, viscoelastic model which endures to simulate the pounding phenomenon more accurately. 2.1.2 Seismic Pounding Effects between adjacent buildings In these last decades, the pounding phenomenon between closely spaced building structures can be a serious hazard especially in seismically active areas with strong ground motion. Because of that critical fact a beneficial awareness of pounding response on engineer structures and numerical formulas for calculating building separation gap size based on linear or analogous linear methods have been introduced. Abdel Raheem [14] established and achieved a tool for the inelastic analysis of seismic pounding effect between buildings. He carried out a parametric study on buildings pounding response as well as proper seismic hazard mitigation practice for adjacent buildings. Three categories of recorded earthquake excitation were used for input. He studied the effect of impact using linear and nonlinear contact force model for different separation distances and compared with nominal model without pounding consideration. Therefore the results of these studies lean on the stimulation characteristics and the relationship between the buildings fundamental period. Furthermore because pounding produces acceleration and shear in various story levels that are greater than those from the no pounding case. Westermo [16] suggested, in order improving the earthquake response of structures without adequate in-between space of the structures, to linking buildings by beams, which can carry the forces between the structures and thus annihilating collisions. Anagnostopoulos [6] analysed the effect of pounding for buildings under strong ground motions by a simplified single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model. Miller and Fatemi [17] explored in to an extent the phenomenon of pounding-impact force, of adjacent buildings subjected to harmonic motions by the vibroimpact concept. Maison and Kasai [18] modelled the buildings as multiple-degree-of-freedom systems and analysed the response of structural pounding with different types of idealizations. Papadrakakis et al. [19] studied the pounding response of two or more close separated buildings based on the Lagrange multiplier approach by which the geometric compatibility conditions due to proximity are constrained. A three-dimensional model developed for the simulation of the pounding behaviour of adjacent buildings is presented by Papadrakakis et al. [20]. In the evaluation of building separation, Jeng et al. [18] estimated the minimum separation distance required to avoid pounding of adjacent buildings by the spectral difference (SPD) method. Kasai et al. [4] extended Jengs results and proposed a simplified rule to predict the inelastic vibration phase of buildings based on the numerical results of dynamic time-history analyses. Anagnostopoulos and Spiliopoulos [7] examined the behaviour of common pounding between adjacent buildings in city blocks to several strong earthquakes. In the study, the buildings were idealized as lumped-mass, shear beam type, multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems with bilinear force deformation characteristics and with bases supported on translational and rocking spring dashpots. Collisions between adjacent masses can occur at any level and are simulated by means of viscoelastic impact elements. They used five real earthquake motions to study the effects of the following factors: building configuration and relative size, seismic separation distance and impact element properties. It was found that pounding can cause high over stresses, mainly when the colliding buildings have significantly different heights, periods or masses. They suggest a possibility for introducing a set of conditions into the codes, combined with some special measures, as an alternative to the seismic separati on requirement. Figure 2.1.2-2 on the left there is a finite element mathematical model and on the right shows the elevation view of a 2 different height building with the separation gap size [14] Abdel Raheem 2006; 2.1.3 SEISMIC POUNDING EFFECT AND RESTRAINERS ON SEISMIC RESPONCE OF MULTIPLE-FRAME BRIDGES DesRoches and Muthukumar [22] used analytical illustrations to check out, the factors and the parameters affecting the worldwide reaction and behaviour of a multiple-frame bridge as a result of pounding of adjacent frames. They have conducted parameter studies of one-sided and two-sided pounding, to dispose the effects of frame stiffness ratio, ground motion characteristics, frame yielding, and restrainers on the pounding behaviour of bridge frames. They showed that the addition of restrainers has a minor effect on the one-sided pounding response of highly out-of-phase frames. It is determined that the most important parameters are the frame period ratio and the characteristic period of the ground motion. The current study explores the effect that pounding impact-force and restrainers have on the worldwide appeal of bridge frames in a multi-frame bridge. They used investigations of two-sided pounding using MDOF models, which showed a favourable post impact response for the flexible f rame and a detrimental effect for the stiff frame demand, for all period ratios. The results from both one-sided and two-sided impact reveal that the response of bridge frames due to pounding, irrespective of the ground motion period ratio, thus validating the recommendations suggested by Caltrans. Current recommendations by Caltrans for limitations in frame period ratios to reduce the effects of pounding are evaluated through an example case. The effect of restrainers on the pounding response of bridge frames is evaluated. The results show that restrainers have very little effect on the demands on bridge frames compared with pounding. 2.1.4 GIRDER POUNDING ON BRIDGES Hao and Chouw [23] introduced a new design principle for anticipating
Friday, October 25, 2019
Argument in the Apology Essay -- Plato Socrates
The main argument in The Apology by famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato is whether, notorious speaker and philosopher Socrates is corrupting the youth by preaching ungodly theories and teaching them unlawful ideas that do harm to individuals and society. In his words Socrates quoted the prosecution’s accusation against him: â€Å"Socrates is guilty of corrupting the minds of the young, and of believing in supernatural things of his own invention instead of the gods recognized by the state.†1 Further Socrates consistently introduces tediously compiled number of examples to provide valid and sound arguments to prove that he is innocent of the charges brought up against him to the court. The first approach that Socrates uses to prove his innocence’s is he uses a practical comparison between horses and all living and artifical things â€Å"Take the case of horses; do you believe that those who improve them make up the whole of the mankind and that there is only one person who has a bad effect on them? Or is the truth just the opposite that the ability to improve them belongs to one person or to very few persons, who are horse-trainers, whereas most people, if they have to do with horses and make use of them, do them harm.†2 The premises in this quote are: 1.     Horse trainers do improve horses. 2.     Those who use the horses do not enhance them. 3.     There are more horse owners than the horse trainers. 4.     Therefore, the improvements come from a small group of specia...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Importance in shaping law of future
In his first Supreme Court visual aspect, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. famously dissented that â€Å"Great instances, like difficult instances, make bad law†. He was of the sentiment that â€Å"great instances are called great, non by ground if their existent importance in determining the jurisprudence of the hereafter, but because of some accident of immediate overpowering involvement which entreaties to the feelings and distorts the judgement.†[ 1 ] On this note, neither Van Gend en Loos [ 2 ] nor Francovich [ 3 ] would run into the standards. Van Gend was rich in rule but lacked any overtly absorbing facts. Francovich featured a landmark determination by the Court in relation to directives that cultivated mass consciousness within the Community of the statute law with which member provinces are governed. But to any grade, it must be acknowledged that these are extremely of import instances. Both provide the Community with a foundational foundation for the statute law they helped concept. Both focused on the primary liability of Member State for a failure to carry through a Community duty. They tackle the greatest struggles within any statute law, the beginning of ultimate authorization, whether the involvements of both the EC and Member States can be harmonized and whether the system in topographic point can turn out effectual.Direct ConsequenceThe trust which persons place on its regulating jurisprudence system determines its effectivity. Whether the bulk of Citizens within the community acknowledge or rely on the commissariats allotted to them is questionable and to that consequence, EC jurisprudence is frequently undermined. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the Courts instance jurisprudence in relation to EC commissariats and how instruments of implementing these commissariats contrast. With this in head, I plan to measure the direct consequence of these community steps paying peculiar attending to related instance jurisprudence and t he opinions attached. The ever-present defeat that clouds the EC statute law is possibly most normally associated with â€Å"direct effect†and its ever-growing ambiguity. Understanding direct consequence is indispensable in groking philosophies of legal protection and effet utile. The philosophy of direct consequence provides for persons a agency to raise upon national tribunals, commissariats outlined in the Treaties, commissariats including ordinances, determinations and directives that must turn out â€Å"sufficiently clear and unconditional.†[ 4 ] The philosophy allows persons to avail of rights provided by the pacts and their commissariats and the national tribunals must esteem these rights ( Vertical direct consequence ) . Situations besides arise whereby rights are invoked against other persons and private parties ( horizontal direct consequence ) . The Doctrine derives from the struggle that exists between the involvements of EU Courts and member provinces and how to set up a qi. The kernel of the philosophy is that persons may trust upon the commissariats of directives even where the member province has failed to do agreements to impl ement them falsely. Provided that the commissariats in inquiry are clear, precise and unconditioned, direct consequence can be relied on. The Court has refrained from enlarging the philosophy of direct consequence with respects to allowing private parties rely on commissariats and raise them upon persons. The Court, on the other manus has made attempts to slake this aperture by enforcing upon national tribunals to infer national statute law, â€Å"as far as possible in the visible radiation of the diction and the intent of the directive so as to accomplish the consequence it has in view.†[ 5 ] First, I will supply a brief analysis of these EC commissariats. The most important instrument through which the EC may infringe national statute laws is the Regulations found in EC and Euratom Treaties. â€Å"A ordinance shall hold general application. It shall be adhering in its entireness and straight applicable in all Member States†[ 6 ] . They house two important and alone features. They feature a community character which enables them to straight use jurisprudence in full to all member provinces. The Member State here must fulfill ordinances and their commissariats in their entireness and the demands must be fulfilled in the method and timeframe outlined in the commissariats. Nor can the member province under any status introduce statute law that conflicts or encroaches in any manner the ordinances provided. Besides alone is their direct pertinence which allows the Acts of the Apostless to be regarded and relied upon in the same mode as national jurisprudence without he terotaxy into national jurisprudence. All members of the community are bound by Community statute law and as such, must esteem and stay these Torahs as they would their national statute law. Another component of Community jurisprudence which must be respected is that of EC or Euratom Decisions. â€Å"A determination shall be adhering in its entireness upon those to whom it is addressed.†[ 7 ] Decisions are single orders to Member States which are adhering in their entireness. The EC can therefore ask an single or state to perpetrate or exclude a title, or can confer civil rights or raise them against Member States. A determination may be contrasted to a ordinance as it is of single application. A determination inside informations explicitly the names of the individuals who become entirely bound by that determination. It is different to the directive in that it is straight applicable as ordinances are and is adhering in its entireness. Examples of cases where determinations w ere utilized include the granting or refusal of province assistance ( Articles 87 and 88 EC ) , the cancellation of operations including agreements or understandings opposing just competition ( Article 81 EC ) and the infliction of mulcts. [ 8 ]Direct Effect of Directives.Alongside EC ordinances, the European directive must be regarded as the most important bureaucratic mechanism utilised by the European Community. Directives exist in order to unify the struggle in European Law that occurs when set uping the uniformity of Community Law while procuring the cultural and structural nature of single Member States. The intent of directives as we will discourse is dissimilar to that of ordinances in that its purpose is to harmonize Community and National involvements as opposed to enforcing Community involvements. The aim is to accommodate the double aims of both the EC and Member States through bridging their involvements and extinguishing the disagreements that exist between National La w and ordinances. As respects the direct consequence of directives, Article 249 described directives as â€Å"binding, as to the consequence being achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall go forth to the national governments the pick of signifier and methods.†The Directive is acknowledged as being one of the primary instruments utilised to make the individual EU market. They are directed either separately to one Member State or to multiple provinces and necessitate the accomplishment of certain community related ends and marks. They are non straight applicable as ordinances are in that Direct Effect relates to rights formulated by commissariats that are dependable in Member State Courts whereas Direct Applicability is associated with an full legislative act I.e. it becomes portion of National Law. When in operation, directives provide members of the Community with a system for the execution of the intended result. They do non order the agencies of accomplishing that consequence. It has occurred where the statute law provided within a member province already provides for the demands of the directive and they are in bend merely required to maintain this statute law integral. More often nevertheless Member States have to change their statute law to implement the directive right and to the EC ‘s blessing ( referred to as heterotaxy ) . The failure of a province to follow with the demands of the directive or if it fails to change its national statute law as required the Commission can incite legal action against the member province in the ECJ. There are two types of direct consequence as we mentioned ; perpendicular direct consequence and horizontal direct consequence. Where commissariats sing persons rights set out by the EC have non been implemented yet the State or constituencies of the State fail to follow these rights the person may raise ‘vertical direct consequence ‘ . Vertical direct consequence is associated with the legal relationship that exists between EC jurisprudence and National Law and the demand of the MS to guarantee National statute law is in line with EC Law ( see Foster v British Gas Case C-18/89. ‘Horizontal direct consequence ‘ , in contrast, enables citizens to trust on EC commissariats in actions against other persons. An illustration of horizontal direct consequence occurs in the instance of Defrenne v Sabena where it was established that â€Å"The prohibition on favoritism between work forces and adult females applies non merely to the action of public governments, but be sides extends to all understandings which are intended to modulate paid labour jointly, every bit good as to contracts between individuals.†Directives do non hold ‘horizontal direct consequence ‘ in that their enforceability applies merely against the province. The tribunal has refrained from spread outing the direct consequence of directives to enable persons to claim against other private persons. So, although directives have no horizontal direct consequence they do enable perpendicular direct consequence significance persons may raise action against public organic structures. The definition of public organic structures was established in Foster v British Gas ; â€Å"a Directive might be relied on against administration or organic structures which were capable to the authorization or control of the State or had particular powers beyond those which result from the normal dealingss between individuals.†â€Å"a Directive might be relied on against administration or organic structures which were capable to the authorization or control of the State or had particular powers beyond those which result from the normal dealingss between individuals.†It is possible for a Directive to be invoked against â€Å"a organic structure whatever its legal signifier, which has been made responsible pursuant to a step adopted by the State for supplying a public service under the control of the State and has for that purpose particular powers beyond those which result from the normal regulations applicable in dealingss between individuals.†Hence, British Gas, a house which was privatised could be held to be an emanation of the province.Important CasesThe original construct of direct consequence was constructed by the ECJ in the instance of Van Gend en Loos [ 1963 ] . The importance of â€Å"direct effect†was highlighted by the European Court of Justice here. They argued that its function was protective to the citizens of Europe in that they were ensured that Treaty duties could be enforced against Member States therefore rendering Community jurisprudence effectual in their national legal systems. The logic presented by the EC J ensured a important importance for this new legal order. Van Gend nut Loos besides proved of import in that it formulated the standard for admiting when a peculiar proviso can hold direct consequence. For over 5 old ages important arbitration sing the old European Coal and Steele Treaty was scarce and really small definition had been withdrawn from the Treaty. Defining, disputing or watershed instances refering the harmonisation of national Torahs with international statute law were rare sing there were over 70 opinions from 1954 to 1961. In Geus v. Bosch and new wave Rijn nevertheless, the first major inquiry was cast sing how the 1958 EEC Treaty was to be interpreted under Article 177 EEC ( now 234 EC ) . It was foremost recognised by Advocate General Lagrange that greater significance should be placed on a modus operandi which was â€Å"designed to play a cardinal portion in the application of the Treaty: †â€Å"The progressive integrating of the Treaty into the legal, societal and economic life of the Member States must affect more and more often the application. and. . . , reading of the Treaty in municipal judicial proceeding. . . , and non merely the commissariats of the Treaty itself but besides those of the Regulations adopted for its execution and so of legality. Applied judiciously – 1 is tempted to state loyally – the commissariats of Article 177 must take to a existent and fruitful coaction between the municipal tribunals and the Court of Justice and the Court of justness of the Communities with common respect for their several jurisdictions.†It was held by De Geus that the ordinances withdrawn from pact commissariats become instantly applicable statute law. Boding Van Gend en Loos, Lagrange farther elaborated: â€Å"Since the Treaty, by virtuousness of its confirmation, is incorporated into the national jurisprudence, it is the map of national tribunals to use its commissariats, except when powers are expressly conferred on Community organs.†Following on from this was the unequivocal Van Gend instance where the Court established the great rule of direct consequence, supplying that the Treaty of Rome concepts rights for citizens of a Member State which must be protected. An of import instance which helped sketch the cardinal demands of direct consequence was Van Dyun v Home Office ( ( Case 41/74 ) [ 1974 ] ECR 1337 ) . Here entry for a Dutch adult female coming to work in the UK was denied. Van Dyun relied on Article 39 which ensures the right to liberate motion topic to limitations sing wellness and policy. Directing 64/221 provided that anything outside of Article 39 must be based entirely on behavior. Article 39, it was held, was non straight effectual in that farther legal Acts of the Apostless were relied upon by Member States. The directing invoked a comprehensive duty that freedoms may be based entirely on behavior, and this proved straight consequence every bit long as three important conditions were fulfilled. The directing must be ; ( I ) clear, precise and unconditioned, ( two ) non dependant on farther legislation/action by the member province or the Community, ( three ) the day of the month of execution must hold passed. The determination made in Francovich was based on the ‘effective judicial protection and effet useful philosophies. â€Å" [ I ] T has been systematically held, †the Court stated, â€Å"that the national Courts whose undertaking it is to use the commissariats of Community Law in countries within their legal power must guarantee that those regulations take full consequence and must protect the rights which they confer on individuals.†â€Å"The full effectivity of Community Law would be impaired and the protection of the rights which they grant would be weakened, †the Court concluded, â€Å"if persons were unable to obtain damages when their rights are infringed by a breach of community jurisprudence for which a Member State can be held responsible.†See Constitutionalism and Pluralism in Marbury and Van Gend, Daniel Halberstam, hypertext transfer protocol: //, % 20Constitutionalism % 20v.G end % 2008.pdf.Van Gend & A ; Loos, Case 26_62 ( 5 February 1963 )Joined Cases, C-6/90 and C-9/90, [ 1991 ] ECR I-5357Van Gerven, supra note 2 at 680. ][ 1990 ] ECR 1-4135, Court of Justice of the European Communities.Article 249 ECArticle 249 ECFrom hypertext transfer protocol: //
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Heart and the Circulatory essays
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Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Scarlet Letter overview on the book huge poem essays
The Scarlet Letter overview on the book huge poem essays And so it is the seventeenth century And she is wearing the Scarlet Letter And a deformed man stands in the crowd standing for three hours and wearing the A forever And Hester refuses to name whom she had the affair with and he says he will be known! he will be known! and Pearl writhes in painful convulsions and Chillingworth comes to give her medicine And he urges Hester to take a sedative but wants to know who the father is while secretly holding on to his own identity and lives in a small seaside cottage rather than somewhere else in the world and theres a great demand for clothing worn at official ceremonies and despite the popularity of her sewing Hester is still a target of abuse and a social outcast And of great price grows with a character of disrespect for authority And Hester and Pearl are companions and Pearl throws stones and violent words at children with a demand of where she came from and denying the Heavenly Father And Hester fears of rumors about Pearl being taken away and she sets out for Governor Bellinghams mansion ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
1. Research the term children as zones of peace. 2. Research a recent Essay
1. Research the term children as zones of peace. 2. Research a recent example of environmental refugees - Essay Example ram revolve around vaccination analysis and illness regulation; however, after years of development, other projects such as post-violence regulation and national intervention are now inclusive. Nonetheless, CZOP faces many challenges based on the origins of conflict such as political backgrounds and logistics. Decisively, for the Children as a Zone for Peace to be effectual at a particular region, they aim at creating a partnership with the authority or prominent stakeholders for easy execution; moreover, they have negotiation strategies for places where the children still face violence. Secondly, the CZOP also deals in resource control, development and circulation; largely, for all of their initiatives to succeed communication is a core aspect with the children and other involved parties (WHO 1). Last year, the leaders of CZOP introduced a new initiative that bases on incorporating children issues in political campaigns and states’ constitutions; however, this is just a small part of its development. In 2014, CZOP announced its partnership with multiple non-governmental organizations that also focus on campaigning about child health and welfare both on national and international levels. Environmental refugees are the people displaced after natural calamities occur i.e. earthquakes or the drastic rise of sea levels that destroys people’s homes and generally everything near these places. The disasters leave these people without shelter, food or any of the important necessities forcing them to migrate or look for other means of survival (Mante 1). However, there are temporary and permanent environmental refugees depending on the depth or impact of the disaster i.e. earthquakes or forests fires sweep away everything hence the people affected are permanent environmental refugees but calamities such as drought make the victims temporary environment refugees since there are possibilities of going back. There are the popular calamities that left millions of people
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