Saturday, August 31, 2019
A divine rivalry
As each sweet note floated from the orchestra, Antonio Salieri felt his heart breaking. The composition was perfect; each note was flawlessly arranged and perfectly layered upon each other.The mastery Amadeus possessed was something, Salieri could not have achieved in a thousand lifetimes. From its title, it would appear that Peter Shaffer’s play Amadeus is about the gifted composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, yet the story is truly that of Antonio Salieri, court composer to the empire of Austria, the most successful young musician in the city of musicians.When Salieri first hears Mozart’s music, it sets him on a different path than the one he intended. He says, â€Å"I had heard the voice of God-and that it issued from a creature whose own voice I had also heard-and it was the voice of an obscene child.†(19)It is his jealousy of Mozart’s gift and his feelings of mediocrity that lead to both men’s downfall. A comparison of both characters will illustrate that despite Salieri’s attempt to live a virtuous life; his desire to destroy Mozart in a divine war prevailed over his devotion to God and his music.Comparing several aspects of the two men’s lives, their devotion, careers, the role of women, and the public versus private nature of their actions, and the madness that consumes them both will demonstrate the similarities that existed between the rivals.Both Salieri and Mozart are men of devotion. The  link is their music. Salieri believes that music is â€Å"God’s art†(7) and uses his gift to serve God. Salieri had promised to lead a chaste life in order to honor God and he feels God betrays him by blessing Mozart with such talent.Throughout his life, he has done his best to remain virtuous and yet in his mind God has shown him that he is mediocre and has bestowed a gift upon a man he feels is morally inferior.In Act I, Scene 12 he declares his war on God, saying â€Å"From thi s time on we are enemies.† Mozart’s life of devotion was also to music. He shares his feelings on music and the divine with Salieri, â€Å"I bet you that’s how God hears the world. Millions of sounds ascending at once and mixing in His ear to become an unending music, unimaginable to us.†(57)However, Mozart’s devotion isn’t purely celestial. He is also extremely devoted to his father. He served his father’s wishes, even waiting to be married. It is Salieri who convinces him to ignore them and marries Constanze. When Leopold dies, Salieri counsels the grieving Mozart who feels as if his lifestyle was a betrayal against his father. Mozart says, â€Å"He watched me for all my life and I betrayed him.†(69) Salieri seizes this moment, convincing Mozart he has his best interest at hear and telling Mozart he will help him find work while undermining him at every attempt.  Now having won his trust, Salier i convinces him that he should write his vaudeville The Magic Flute based on his association with The Freemasons.Knowing this is Mozart’s’ last tie to society, he realizes how this will ultimately ruin the man. His shattered faith leads him to such a drastic choice and Mozart is helpless in his plot.Appearance plays a role in both Salieri’s and Mozart’s life. Salieri initially lived less extravagantly, whereas Mozart flaunted his wealth and success often living above his means. Once Salieri reigns himself to his jealousy, he too becomes consumed in flaunting his wealth denying his taste for â€Å"plain things.† Schaffer comments on Mozart’s appearance throughout the play.Through the stage directions, he tells us Mozart was a small, pallid, large-eyed man in a showy wig and a showy set of clothes.†As Salieri’s story progresses, Mozart’s clothing becomes more and more garish in Salieri’s eye. As Moza rt’s life slowly unravels, his clothing becomes shabby and less important. Throughout the play Salieri has condemned Mozart for what he will ultimately become.
Friday, August 30, 2019
* 1. INTRODUCTIONPerusahaan Otomobil Nasional Berhad (PROTON) wasincorporated in May 7, 1983 to manufacture, assembleand sell motor vehicles and related products, includingaccessories, spare parts and other components. PROTON produced Malaysias first car, the ProtonSaga, commercially launched on July 9, 1985 by formerMalaysian Prime Minister, Tun Dr. MahathirMohamed, who had originally conceived the idea of aMalaysian cars. Toyota Motor Corporation is the market leader inautomotive industry and the worlds largest motorvehicle manufacturing groups.It sell about 7,234,439unit of all type of vehicles in 2009. * 2. BENCHMARKPROTON benchmark is based on Toyota Motor Corporation . ToyotaMotor, the worlds largest automotive manufacturer (overtaking GM in2008), designs and manufactures a diverse product line-up that rangesfrom subcompacts to luxury and sports vehicles toSUVs, trucks, minivans, and buses. Its vehicles are produced either withcombustion or hybrid engines, as with the Prius. To yotas subsidiaries alsomanufacture vehicles: Daihatsu Motor produces mini-vehicles, while HinoMotors produces trucks and buses.Additionally, Toyota makes automotiveparts for its own use and for sale to others. Popular models include theCamry, Corolla, Land Cruiser, and luxury Lexus line, as well as the Tundratruck. In Asia, they generates almost 40% of sales. * 3. VISION†¢ They strive to become a successful Malaysian Automotive Manufacturer globally by being customer oriented and producing competitively priced and innovative quality products. * 4. MISSIONOur Company history is one of the remarkable achievements ofwhich we are proud(1) of.In our pride lies the vital energy thatdrives us forward and forces us to take on new challenges. Notonly our customers but also our business associates andshareholders need to trust our ability and rely(2) on us todeliver on our promise of quality. We continually strive toexpand our knowledge(3), skills and expertise in order to findbetter sol utions and produce better results. As a nationalproject, Proton is also committed to lead in the acquisition ofintellectual capability in design and technology(4), which willpropel the nation to achieve the status of an industrialisednation.With people as our primary focus, we are committed tobuilding a friendly organisation, sensitivity to customers needswith clear communications leading to mutual understandingand care(5). * 5. CHARACTERISTIC OF MISSION 1. Philosophy †¢ Proud 2. Self – 5. Customers concept †¢ Caring †¢ Reliable Mission element 4. Employees 3. Technology †¢ Knowledgeable †¢ New technology * 6. OPPORTUNITIES†¢ Replacement model make an increasing sales about 40. 7%. †¢ Joint venture with other company. †¢ The development of concept car(Nissan)†¢ Rising oversea demand about 20. % * 7. THREATS†¢ Global financial crisis effect the vehicle sales are tipped to fall 12. 4 per cent in 2009. †¢ New product from ot her companies with better technology. †¢ Gas price up almost 30%. †¢ Local competitor, Perodua or Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua has surpassed Proton in sales. * 8. The External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix WEIGHTED OPPORTUNITIES WEIGHT RATING SCOREReplacement model make anincreasing sales about 40. 7% 0. 08 1 0. 08Joint venture with other company 0. 2 2 0. 4The development of conceptcar(Nissan) 0. 09 3 0. 7Rising oversea demand about 20. 7% 0. 12 4 0. 48 * 9. WEIGHTED THREAT WEIGHT RATING SCORE Local competitor, Perodua orPerusahaan Otomobil Kedua hassurpassed Proton in sales. 0. 23 3 0. 69Gas price up almost 30%. 0. 08 2 0. 08Global financial crisis effect the vehiclesales are tipped to fall 12. 4 per cent in2009. 0. 08 4 0. 32New product from other companieswith better technology. 0. 12 3 0. 36 Total 1. 0 2. 68 * 10. STRENGTH†¢ Strong R&D (R3)†¢ Revenue per employee. †¢ Government Linked Company (GLC)†¢ Employee morale is excellence. The market share of 56. 9% in the industry. * 11. WEAKNESSES†¢ Quality of product is still lower compare to competitor product. †¢ Employee is lacked of technical skill. †¢ Had suffered a net loss of RM60. 1mil for its third quarter ended Dec 31 because of restructuring expenses incurred by its sports car division, Lotus Group International Ltd. * 12. SWOT MATRIX Click this * 13. BCG MATRIX FOR PROTON BHD * 14. †¢ From this graph, it shows that the Proton Bhd. market share was about 25% and industry sales growth rate is -5%.From the result, we consider of three types of strategies which is divestiture, product development and market penetration. * 15. DOGS STRATEGY1. Divestiture. 2. Product Development. 3. Market Penetration. * 16. DIVESTITURE†¢ By using this strategy, the company should focus more on their core business only because of it is in DOGS requirement. Divestiture often is used to raise capital for further strategy acquisition or investment. For example proton must reduce the production of Proton Juara and Tiara because the car demand is low and difficult to find spare part and make up the car.The reason is longer proton produce the car the inventory turnover will be higher. * 17. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT†¢ In this strategy, our company needs to gain endeavor to incorporate select technologies and manufacturing expertise such as from Nissan Motor Co. that could lead to potential cost savings in capital expenditure and research and development (R&D) for the national carmaker. * 18. MARKET PENETRATION†¢ In this stage, Proton must consider getting a third party to use its plant for a long-term planning for better utilization of plant capacity. Proton can go and get technology from a small company as many big companies in South Korea, Japan and Europe were using them to design their cars. * 19. BALANCE SCORECARD FRAMEWORKStrategies Priorities Goal Target StrategyFinancial Increasing sales of New Focus on developing proton product demographica l country. areasCustomer Attract more people to Young and the Made sporty car model buy proton car middle age people that can attract customersManager / Increase Working Potential worker Send them oversea toEmployee performance strengthen skill and expertise
Thursday, August 29, 2019
A Clockwork Orange Essay Morality, Ethics, Immanuel Kant, Human
A Clockwork Orange is about a young man named Alex and his gang of reckless cohorts who run the town doing drugs, vandalizing property, robbing men and raping women. Their mischievousness took a turn for the worse, when a dance between Alex and the woman he pursues as his next victim results in an unforeseen murder. Alex is caught in the act and shortly thereafter is sentenced to 14 years in prison. Unable to avoid his violent and demeaning tendencies, Alex is used as a spectacle for the government and chooses to pa , such that exist in our current society. His condition was handled in ways many would likely view as inhumane and counterproductive. His autonomy as a human being was overturned, and what the governor of the interior felt would have beneficial for the society resulted in a failure at the expense of one person. The final outcome was that Alex was not â€Å"cured†of his immoral actions, but was burdened with actions that masked his current condition, to include dep ression paired with suicidal tendencies, followed by a relapse. Although he had awful and inhumane tendencies, he should not have been used as a human guinea pig, or as a means to win a political race. Psychology is a topic that evolves as drastically as anything else in the medical world, but the mind is a powerful thing that should be approached with the utmost care, especially in the experimental process.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Guidlines for communication in simulated business of a food truck Research Paper
Guidlines for communication in simulated business of a food truck - Research Paper Example In order to achieve success with an average pace of sales, it is significant that tricky or overly set-out statements are not used while communicating (Ober, 2007). Secondly, there needs to be a clear adjuration between the verbal and non-verbal communication. For instance, if the jargon is being used in a simple manner then the non-verbal elements such as logo and symbol must also be created with a simplistic approach (Ober, 2007). Since food truck business is one of the widely used model for food business, it is estimated that majority of them are remembered by the white noise. In simpler words, it can be well stated that the customers of the food trucks remember specific brands by their slogans and themes. Therefore, it is imperative to create a slogan or a tune that allows the customers to get attracted. Business theorists consider it as a way to allow customers to memorize your brand
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Letter Of Appeal Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Letter Of Appeal - Personal Statement Example However, it has been a contributing factor in my poor GPA scores up until now. This feeling of homesickness was exacerbated by being taught in a language other than my mother tongue. While my proficiency in English is very good, using it rather than my native language in full-time discourse does, as I’m sure you understand, take quite some getting used to. The period of adjustment this necessitated obviously had a direct effect on my academic results, but I have since accelerated my studies in English, and have been reading much more material and working harder at mastering the language, so that my studies should not suffer in the future. All of these factors left me with feelings of confusion, and a lack of direction and motivation. Not knowing what my goals were, either academically or in terms of a career, certainly meant that I had difficulty focusing on the work in hand. However, I have since resolved to work as hard as I can in order to get everything I can out of the academic experience on offer at New Haven. a I have, furthermore, not always been in an emotional state conducive to productive study. I come from a very close-knit family, and in the time I have been in the United States, two uncles, both of whom had been prominent figures in my life as I was growing up, and who were very dear to me, have sadly passed away. The feeling of desolation that such a loss left me with was only worsened by being so far away from my family group at this time of personal crisis. Of course, I would not claim that any of these factors, as important as they have been in bringing about the current situation, are completely responsible. I am willing to acknowledge that I have been guilty of putting a distinct lack of effort into some areas of my work. Of this I am not proud. However, I am writing to you to appeal for a reconsideration of my case in light of all of the above. I want
Monday, August 26, 2019
Leadership -final exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leadership -final exam - Essay Example With differences in attitudes and aptitudes, it is possible to ensure diversity in work process and also to provide better assistance by enhancing the talents of the individuals for achieving certain desired objectives. Moreover, in the age of cultural diversity, multiculturalism is required to deal with diversity successfully, through the total quality diversity procedure (Argyris, 1991). In the context of managing diversity, the concept of leadership plays a pivotal role. For the successful functioning of an organization, it is required to employ efficient and competent employees for ensuring better resources to the organizations in particular and also for making an effort to achieve desired objectives. To attain the desired objectives, diverse organizations provide different learning capabilities as well as resources for effective functioning of the organization. Leadership Style In order to recognize the aspect of managing diversity in the organizational context, a contemporary l eader i.e. Howard Schultz, the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Starbucks is selected. The leadership style, decision making style and diversity management strategies of Howard Schultz has enabled Starbucks to substantially deal with the challenges posed due to the aspect of diversity by developing teams with adequate efficiency. It is worth mentioning in this context that effective teams being steered with discipline is considered as one of the most significant rudiments of successful business (Katzenbach & Smith, 2005). The leadership style incorporated by Howard Schultz has focused on introducing healthcare related benefits to part-time employees who work for 20 hours in a week. This decision was resisted by the board members owing to the fear of increase in overall operational cost. Howard Schultz as a leader has been able to reinvigorate the employees and mainly focused on issues that are crucial for the welfare of the organization. Those critical issues are to be handled by the top level for better implementation and to enhance profitability as well as productivity (Marquis, Lim, Scott, Margaret, & Kavanagh, 2008). However, as a leader he has also made a firm decision to share the information in a horizontal manner related to organizational aspects with the employees which has in turn enabled him to generate employee motivation. It has enabled employees to have a major contribution in organizational strategic objectives which has significantly facilitated the organization to manage diversity in the workplace. Thus, it can be ascertained that Howard Schultz has followed a transactional leadership style for ensuring effectiveness in the organization to deal with strategic challenges such as managing diversity. As can be witnessed with reference to the leadership traits deciphered by Howard Schultz, he can be observed as significantly focused on building enthusiastic relationships with his employees. Following a Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) leadership style, he also attempted to negotiate the roles and the responsibilities of the employees segregating them into
Sunday, August 25, 2019
International personnel and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International personnel and development - Essay Example recruitment and selection process, management development and performance appraisal has a significant effect on the international reward and compensation packages a company is offering to the expatriates. Therefore, international HR management should take it as a challenge to avoid possible weak points in its international reward and compensation packages. To avoid legal issues in other countries, the company should exert an effort to make sure that its international HR management group will comply with the labour laws in its five major business group. Basically, the role and responsibility of international HR management does not end in sending out expatriates on international assignment, this group of individuals should also develop and implement competitive repatriation packages to prolong the long-term benefits of LVMH’s increasing number of expatriates. Established in 1971, LVMH expanded its business to become the leading luxury brand conglomerate in the world. As a successful aggregate confederacy of brands, LVMH is now composed of 50 companies that are directly managing 450 subsidiaries in the world market (p. 319). Handling its subsidiaries, each of the 50 companies is composed of a President and Executive Committee monitors the business activities of each subsidiary. Although LVMH acknowledges the importance of being multi-cultural when managing its businesses all over the world, LVMH’s human resource department is encountering challenges related to the company’s existing career development strategies due to lack of international experience. Employing a total of 56,000 employees in different countries, the HR department of LVMH is challenged to attract, develop and retain competitive managers with global competence by improving the company’s HR strategies related to career development and international mobility options. Engaged by the Corporate Head Quarters as a Principal Consultant with McStrategy Consulting expertise, a literature-based
Vietnam, World War I, Opium Wars, Persian Wars, and the Cuban Missile Essay
Vietnam, World War I, Opium Wars, Persian Wars, and the Cuban Missile Crisis - Essay Example Throughout history, the importance of war became a major component of a state's foreign policy as demonstrated by myriad of instances showing armed conflict. In the field of international relation particularly on the concept of conflict versus cooperation, war represents a vital option in one extreme of the dimension. With certain peculiarities of different events involving war, resort to force by a state almost always forms part of the foreign policy a country. When diplomacy, negotiation and other peaceful means of settling dispute fails, war can serve as a remedy to determine the final outcome of conflicting sides in an issue. The discussion in this paper will cover five incidents of interstates wars, namely, (1) the Vietnam War, (2) the Opium War, (3) World War I, (4) the Persian Wars, and (5) the Peloponnesian War. The causes mentioned herein may not be the only reasons for the outbreak of the war or the commencement of the conflict situation discussed but is compelling enough to be considered in the extensive study of the subject matter. Analyzing the above mentioned wars, it can be seen that they share certain similar cause although in a different form or peculiar way. Although, the warring states or the participants involved were diverse, still, there were some that appears common among the wars to be discussed. What is therefore the implication of having different participants for every event of war This means varying interest involved for the reason that the acts of a state is presumed to be in accordance with its interest within the context of its national and international policy. For a better understanding of the causes of the war in those five events and ultimately to support the response to the question of why states go to war, it is imperative to start with a general framework. This general framework will serve as the thesis to the proposition of state engaging in war in the cases herein discussed as well as to the proposition of the difficulty in withdrawing from the war once they resort to violence. From this framework, other supporting analysis will be discussed and expounded in the subsequent pages of this paper. From the ancient war days involving the Peloponnesian war and the Persian wars, down to the economic nature of the Opium war, leading to the large scale conflict in World War I, and finally to the ideologically driven Vietnam War, one thesis stands out why they resorted still to violence to further advance whatever interest they may declare - the Desire for POWER. In the words of realist advocates in international politics, this is appropriately stated as interest defined in the concept of power. Power is defined as the actual or potential influence or coercion a state (or other actors)an assert relative to other actors or non-state actors because of the political, geographic, economic and financial, technological, military, social, cultural or other capabilities it possesses.2 The definition of power involves a variety of interest and generally embodies every aspect of a state's policy from which its capabilities is premised. It is not therefore surprising that the behavior of a state is immensely affected by its desire to increase power or when the power it has is being threatened of reduction. This framework does not confine its operation to states but can also be used in analyzing the behavior of
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Antiwar Movement in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Antiwar Movement in America - Essay Example One of the main reasons behind the failure of America in the war lied at the ground level- where troops were, right there in Vietnam. The American soldiers slowly saw the futility of what they were doing. It was also heart rendering to see the middle class in Vietnam coming forward against the war. And, of course Americans underestimated the strength of soviet backed Vietnam army named as National Liberation Front. Back home, the anti war movements were more hype than substance when analyzed from the perspective of actually stopping the war. There was lack of unity between whites and blacks. Blacks weren't given equal rights at home and they in patches found it illogical to be fighting for the cause of a nation which hadn't been fair to them. One of the many confirmations of this fact came from an SNCC worker who said that "black people don't understand the warit's very far away and the trouble they see is right there in the courthouse."1 Infact, most blacks considered opting out of the anti war movements as they saw an ally in Lyndon Johnson as a support for their civil right movement. The whole scenario can be simplified like this- of those who were informed about the war, most people hated it, but for some reason or the other they couldn't afford to completely go against Johnson. There was often an ugly mix up between the issue of civil war and the protests against Vietnam. Organizations like NAACP tried to make the distinction but it wasn't always possible. In fact that very organization was accused to be too friendly to the administration time to time. American society itself was dealing with issues of internal conflict, thereby not giving full attention to something that was apparently outside their control- the war. Though powerful leadership given by likes of Martin Luther King played a big role but there were always problems with regards to unity between the black and white protestors. The movement was never pan American at any point of time. There were times to really low turn outs at places making the whole show a big embarrassment. Moreover, the media which play such a major role in portraying the image of everything wasn't always kind to the anti war protestors especially labeling the radical protestors as freaks.2 The conscious approach of using the method of approaching multiple issues back fired as it meant that any organization lacked direction and they just ended up getting entangled in other affairs, as a result, going no where. What the protests did succeed in doing was to create an atmosphere of anti-imperialism which may have played in role in Americans not interfering in issues of Angola a few years following the end of the war. In many ways the American response to Vietnam was a result of an exaggerated reaction against the spread of communism, fuelled mainly by fear and insecurity felt only by those in power. In a way, it wasn't considered a bad thing to be feeling that ways because it would mean that one tends to hold an important position, no matter how irrational this sounds. The people on the other hand tended to be more logical in their thinking. But there was an
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